h Mad Hatter A Douglas College Newsletter UGLAS cnr tnt - PE EGE LIBR ARCtives DOUGLAS COLLEG® BOARD JANUARY 21, 1982 External Matters - Municipal Discussions have continued with Mr. Wright of the First Capital City Development Company regarding his assistance in obtaining alternate siting for the Beacon Industries Workshop on the Simcoe Park Site. Beacon Industries has viewed’ the McBride Site buildings, and is having an architect's sketch done, in order to identify the feasi- bility of the proposed move. Both Mayor Tonn and Mayor Evers have not been available over the past two weeks for further dis- cussions regarding the Douglas College presence in Coquitlam, and the eventual acquisition of Simcoe Park in New Westminster. External Matters - Education Mary Fewster and myself met with representatives of the Ministry and Vancouver Community College regarding future relationships between our Nursing Program and that offered by Vancouver Community College. These discussions are continuing at the faculty and administrative levels. We have been informed by the Ministry of Education that it is their intention to cancel the current commitments to the offering of a dental hygiene level in dental assisting. Furthermore, they recommend that Douglas College eliminate its present Dental Assisting Program, and request us to add 100 FTE to our present Nursing Program. Staff work is in progress in this regard, and discussions will be occurring with Ministry personnel over the next week. A special report will be made to the Board as soon as I feel that we have assembled and analyzed all available information in the matter. Needless to say, this is a major problem for us to deal with at this stage of the building con- struction, not to mention the impact on the Douglas College pro- file, and students, staff and faculty. I am participating with the principals of most tertiary institutions in the lower mainland. in an attempt to devise a means of co-operative rationalization and integration of educational programs in the lower mainland region. The assumption underlying this, is that knowledge of local needs and situations should enable lower mainland insti - tutions to do a more adequate job of rationalizing public expendi- tures in post-secondary education on the lower mainland than would be the case by fiat from the Ministry - however well meant.