THE MAD HATTER A Dougles College “ewsletter mublished weekly durins the srring and fall semesters, bi-monthly in the summer serester by Douglas College Technical | and Vocational Institute iF.0. 2503, New westminster, B.C. | | | iEditor: Melanie Falcon, Surrey Campus L 588-4411 Local 283 | | Notice Board DUE TO A NUMBER OF CALLS BEING MIS-DIRECTED IN THE ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT, PLEASE MAKE THE FOLLOWING ENTRIES IN YOUR TELEPHONE DIRECTORIES : CAROL LEYLAND NW 222 A/C PAYABLE/RECEIVABLE -SPECIAL PROJECT INFORMATION, BURSARY CHEQUES VAL LYNCH NW 222 A/C RECEIVABLE -TUITION PAYMENTS, FEE REFUNDS, RECEIPTS VYE FLINDALL NW 218 A/C PAYABLE -EXPENSE CHEQUES, INVOICE PAYMENTS, ETC. ROSALYN RECHSTEINER NW 218 A/C PAYABLE -EXPENSE CHEQUES, INVOICE PAYMENTS, ETC. WENDIE FLAWITH NW 219 PAYROLL -FULL-TIME REGULAR STAFF AND FACULTY PAYROLLS KRIS REMMEM NW 219 PAYROLL -AUXILIARY, STUDENT ASSISTANT, SESSIONAL, PART-TIME PAYROLLS arto World University Service of Canada has announced treat trere will be tvo summer cemirsre for 197G, A dom- estic sevtinar will exxlore Tr en 3 Frarco-j-Cntario ccemmunities, iner will te held iv Sri Lanka (forvterly Ceylon). Both semirsare will teke rlace in the six weeks from mid-July to the end of Aug- ust erd will involve ar~-rox- imately 30 studen‘s anc three faculty merters selected from candidstes in universities end community colleges ecross Can- adé. a forms ard ad- The deadline for faculty arrlications is Dec. 10, 197€ mH eae student arrlications NEW APPOINTMENT eS RN Sie Ethelvn McInnes-Rerkin hes taken over the rosition of Ex- aminer for the General Fducation Developrent Testing Frorram =t Douglas College, from Xer Moore, who is now frinciarl of Langley Camrus. She hés teen w eze since "ey, 19° ently works in the Services Division ucétional flanner. Fthelyn has ¢ Pachelor of arts decree end is rrecent- ly workins towards her Mas- ters Derree et U.P.C.