¢ eg: avait ¥ a ARCHIVES : /4 FACULTY CERTIFICATION This will probebly be my finel missive re. the feculty essociat- fon's epplicetion for certification es a trede union, currently being considered by the Lebour Reletions Board. The petition circvleted recently wes completely neutrel on the {esue, merely requesting thet the Boerd take e representation vote es pert of its investigation. Such ea vote would not be required by law if the Beerd found thet a simple majority of the ‘unit were elresdy members of the sssocietion. People who genu- inely wished to see e vote ectuelly conducted willingly siened the petition when enproeched. I sterted the petition for the foll- owing reasons? a. when the feculty voted sometime sro to seek certificetion, it wes my opinion thet meny of vs were unsure of the imnorte- ance or consequences of whet we were doing, or indeed, of the concept of certificetion itself. Since then, we have hed lots of ovportunity to consider the issues involved, end can now meke our decision much more canehly. b. I was efreid that the Board would merely ‘rubber-stemp' its approvel of the application when it discovered a mejority of the feculty was actually in the associetion. From informetion available to me, this sutometic epprovel wes very lively to happen i.e. that a vote would not be teken. You ere probably ewere that the associstion executive stetes thet it asked for e vote. Notwithstending this, information I was eble to obtain indicated that the only item deleyines anrrovsl of the applic- ation was @ decision re. the inclusion or exclusion of tech- nicians, and that the vote wes not being considered. Cc. without the netition, the only wey one could register against certificetion wes by resigning from the association. However, resigning would prevent one from having any meens at all for contributing input in this importent matter, or eny other matter between the faculty end the edministration. I am a member of the association and have encouraged others to join 4t and/or remain in it. d. whether certificetion is echieved or not, I want the issueto be decided by people voting on en issue with which they are now much more familiar than they were many months ago. This means that the resolution of the issue will be decided by the majority, so thet the essociation can move forward in confidence. It 1s interesting to note that faculty both pro and con signed the petition. Presumably they support the desire for a clear-cut major- ity decision one wey or the other. (continued next nee)