Other Press Douglas College’s Autonomous Student Newspaper What does it mean to join the Other Press? Classmates will gasp at your tales of wild parties and deadline rituals Friends will thrill to your stories of excitement and intrigue Employers will hire you on the spot Instructors will give you top marks The CSIS will put you on file Your parents will disown you But seriously, we need you... as News writers, Sports writers, Entertaiment writers, Advertising Salespeople, Layout Staff, Photographers, and Cartoonists. So if you think you ve got what it takes, - (no experience necessary) do not wait for our phone call. Rush right down to Room 1602, and apply today. Mailing Address: Other Staff Meeting Thursday January 9th 1985 12 noon in Room 1602 | New Members welcome e Want The Other Press Box 2503 Douglas College New Westminster, B.C. V3L 5B2 Al fal falfal inl inlinl Ini al Gel hl Gh) Gl GI GI GIG) fh) GG) GG GGG GI GIG GID GIGI GIG GIG DID AR GIRGARGEIAAARAARRAeammamMm The Other Press is a democratically run, autonomous student newspaper, published several times a semester (usually every two weeks) under the auspices of The Other Publications Society. Our funding comes by way of DY a direct student levy paid at registration time and .% through local and national advertising. The Other Press ;F.@ is a member of Canadian University Press and of the national advertising cooperative, Campus Plus. P Production: Coordinator snk. cite werees rcs tacdits oss Faek Geeena .. Jeremy Bloom. = Copy Editor/Sports Coordinator, (2 0<0 fs cncp.5 pects enecn cn va oe sdvepouss Cynthia Kilt & = Entertainment: Coordinatore: ia aah gece esy dobsea.caed as Caves date beyntuld Kirstin Shaw & me ruman Rignts Coordinator. <<: 27. ofssc-n ces heats. eecee Fete ‘Paul Pilonit PERESUSINOS SHV al A lis ncteh Cacas chow te Ne hl. hed edn SE ee ede Pees Jean Joyce Kathy Nichols & ) Features Coordinator............0.....06.008: Me, POS ae meer ti ee dare a Paul Ehni GLO: COOK ALONS os octet ess oe eet ri ee te Dave Watson fclassitieds Goordinator. “628-5 bch sb cecbeceisn seas old Cee ee Pinky Hunjan { mm ARGCTUITNENT COGHCINAtOl a. jcncciteru nice te vee lsue cla eed eee tues Sandra Glass & lan Boothby, Richard Haines, emily and charlotte 5 | am writing on behalf of the. paisley. Many of you are now wearing more paisley than ever before. You may think this. is fine and that no one is hurt by it. But let us consider the paisley running wild and free until some sadistic hunter comes along witha big club and kills them. It takes approx- imately 200 paisli for one shirt. What about their families? We cannot continue to slaughter them:in the hope that the trend is over before they are extinct. And if appealing to your humanity is futile, think about this; if every paisley in the world attacked at once, they could slaughter every trendie in New West- minster, Surrey and Langley. It’s a scary thought, but it could happen. - | urge you with all my heart—stop wearing paisley. | like plaid myself and there are too may plaids running around anyway destroying crops. Thank you. John Stickums & Layout Staff/Graphics Coordinator ..:............cccccceceeeeeeeeeeee Doug Finnerty § : ICS COGLAINALOR os. ca fs Sodas SOU GR ne ae Suz Graham § | have decided to withdraw my resignation from the Office of Pres- ident. which had initially precipitated. my decision to resign have, to some 9 extent, altered sufficiently to permit me to remain in Office. Many of the circumstance In anticipation of the many ques- tions which are bound to follow my decision to withdraw my resignation as President, and have indeed begun ° already, | am writing, this in order to make my position clear. As | see it, the fundamental reason for the existence of the Student Society is to act as an advocate of student rights, and in defence of quality, accessible education to all members of society. My position is, and always has been, that education is a right, not a _ priviledge. A {ters Other Press room (under the door) priviledge may be withdrawn, a right may not. One has no obligation to defend against the withdrawal of a priviledge. There is, however, a moral imperative, an absolute obligation, to come to the defence of a right which is under attack by the myopic educa- tional policies of the present Provin- cial Government. My reason for withdrawing my resignation is contained within the foregoing; to resign would be to ignore my obligation, as a student, to act in defence of the right to educa- tion. As President, | am in a unique position to fulfill the obligation | feel, and to encourage others to do the same. Michael Glavin President D.C.S.S.