Mad Hatter Page 2 pea te EN eee eee eee, of $100 per week, which, for a normal 32- Student Aid Program Announced week uae program, amounts to $3,200. The provincial loan will have annual max i mums of $2,00C for a single student and $2,400 for a single parent or a married student for the program. "While there is increased indebtedness, the province is working to keep the cost of the loans to students at a minimum," said the | In the budget speech a provincial student aid loan program was announced by the Honourable Hugh Curtis, Minister of Finance, Elaborating on the announcement, Education Minister Jack Heinrich said the new loan program represents the third tier in the i : ‘ minister. "I am certain this will present | pea of fost-secondary education. no real barrier to those who genuinely wish "First, the student must look to his or to prepare themselves for the future through her own resources; second, the federal the college and university system." student loan program, and, now, the pro- vincial loan program," said Heinrich. ‘I sincerely hope that students who require loans to attend post-secondary programs will Under the former system the Province gave consider the loans a useful investment in grants to students with identified needs, their future and that eventual employment However, under present economic circum- opportunities made available to them as a stances, the government has decided that result of that education will make it the fairest way to continue important sup- | relatively easy to repay the borrowing that port that students require is to utilize provided them with the opportunity." a loan system. Ministry of Education Release The grant program will be terminated at the 84-02-20 end of the fiscal year and provincial aid after March 31 will be the provincial loan, as well as the federal loan. Peiroencial program will have many of Professional Development Activities ‘S the characteristics of the federal program; : : soe ii Sa eae . Would all faculty in the Applied Programs said ol a eo ey cri- | Division who received professional develop- Fhe toner Coane ereeout fhe same as for | ment funds during the 1983/84 fiscal year, pote her grant program. please submit their conference report to The Minister said conversion to a loan me as soon as possible. | program was a difficult decision to make “but, I am certain that students who are Thank you. committed to obtaining post-secondary edu- ; cation and training will still receive the | Gordon Gilgan necessary financial support." The provincial loan will be guaranteed by the Province and the interest paid during | Pjmner! the time the student is enrolled in full- Dinner Party time studies. It will be paid for an Th boas u : Bis ; ere will be a viewing of "The Making of additional six months after the student Judy Chicago's Dinner party" in the a ats completes studies or withdraws from an Centre, Room 2720 on Wednesday, March 14 ANS tV EGC TON. at 1630 hours . The new loan program is designed to supple- ment individual cases where the federal a loan program is not sufficient to cover Please bring a contribution for our own identified needs for able students. For Dinner Party. example, the federal loan provides a maximun Everyone is welcome to attend.