$B | the MAPLE RIDGE CENTRE CONSOLIDATES EDUCATIONAL SERVICES August 24, 1987 the Maple Ridge Centre of Douglas College opens the door of its new home in the east wing of Maple Ridge Secondary School, 21911 - 122nd Avenue. The new loca- tion will replace facilities at the old site on 224th Street. “If you come down to the old Mexican Jail on 224th Street, you will no longer find Douglas College there,” says Larry Davies, Director of the Maple Ridge Centre and Principal of Continuing Education for the Maple Ridge School District. “But,” he adds, “we're alive and healthy and still in business in bigger facilities, and the same personalized service is IN THE HAT I-Care Blackberries Fund Raising Policy Group Advising Sessions President Search available. Whatever your educational needs, we encourage you to drop in. If we don’t have what you’re looking for, we'll make sure you find out where it is.” The move, and the personalized service, are all part of a philosophy that puts the Maple Ridge Centre in the forefront of educational services in B.C. The Maple Ridge Adult Basic Edu- cation Program, for example, was the first in the province to be completely articulated. Davies explains what this means to the student. “Whether you go to the College or the school district for your ABE, the programs will lead to a common end. What's being done by the school district ABE is recognized by the College, and vice versa.” “From basic literacy right through to university transfer, people can fit in there somewhere,” he _ says. “Whether they want individualized learning, part-time, of full-time learning, there’s a place for them.” Douglas College and the Maple Ridge School District Continuing Education Program have shared administration of operations since 1981. This move is the first step to- ward joining the physical facilities as Mad Hatte A Douglas College atter | well. The Maple Ridge Secondary School, Maple Ridge School District Continuing Education, and Douglas College will all operate out of the same building. Douglas College President William L. Day says he is delighted at the move and very excited about the prospects for future co-operation. “We think that it will open up the curriculums of the College and the secondary school. Physical facilities will be available for the benefit of secondary school students and adult learners of all ages, says Day. This move is part of the develop- ment of a community education centre where people will get what Larry Davies terms “one stop shop- ping” for their educational needs. A full line-up of courses offered by both institutions is listed in the Community Education and Recrea- tion Brochure, which will be delive- red to all homes during the week of August 17th. If you do not receive the brochure by August 24th, you can pick one up at the offices of Douglas College, Maple Ridge School District Continuing Education, or Maple Ridge Parks and Recreation.