i. se Notice Board FREE MODERN LANGUAGES CONVERSATION SESSIONS FRENCH, GERMAN, SPANISH Herewith the schedule of the conversation sessions available at the college between now and mid-April, Anybody is welcome to drop in regularly or not, and for thie whdle session or not. zou may oa oe lunch with ae a New Westminster--~ FRENCH: 12-2 Mondays, N110 12-2 Thursdays, N110 12-2 Tuesdays, N308 9-11 Mondays, N106 or 103 GERMAN : - 11-12 Fridays, N304 SPANISH: 12-2 Mondays, N106 12-1 Tuesdays, N110 ; e 12-1 Wednesdays, N110 Surrey |==—==- FRENCH: 12:30-2 Mondays, Library Rm. D 2-3 Tuesdays, same room 1-2 Thursdays, same room SPANISH: 2:30-4:30 Wednesdays, same room 2:30-4:30 Fridays, same room Richmond--- RRENCH: 11-12 Mondays, R406 1-2 Mondays, R406 1.45-2:45Wednesdays, R406 2-3 Mondays, R406 SPANISH: 12-2 Thursdays, R406 12<2 Fridays, R406 CONVERSATIONALIS'TS : FRENCH- N: Esther Bouchard & Mimi Bortoluzzié S: Rita Bedard. R: Cecile Sautier GERMAN- N. Doris Stubenbeck & SPANISH-N,S,&R: Carlos Rabago t—me-=-Chris H,D. 5 other hand, ) appropriate form. Personal Finance If you have a Registered Retirement | Savings Plan (R.R.S.P.), make sure you h have designated a beneficiary to receive its proceeds if you die. 1 f no beneficiary has been named, 2 the proceeds will be taxed as income to On the if you designate your spouse -. as beneficiary, for example, proceeds you in the year In which you die. h. may be transferred free of tax to an R.R.S.P. established for your spouse, > and taxes deferred until age 71. It is easy to name a beneficiary with- out changing your will - merely go to your R.R.S.P. trustee/vendor, and sign the 1f you have more than one R.R.S.P., remember to sign one form for each. It could be an expensive over- sight; when | lie on my deathbed, |! really don't want to think about the Minister of Finance. sae Leslie Division y EGE ae “ARCA “IGRARy Over, On the outside... MARCH 1 - APRIL 2 TWO WOMEN EAST AND WEST IONE MC INTYRE - paintings loosely based on a family album theme. EDNA MYERS - prints,.from Montreal. The work of these two women, similar yet different, from east and west, invite comparison J