DOUGLAS COLLEGE LIBRARY ARCHIVES Gee Po HAP Ff EF ER MONDAY, APRIL 14, 1975 VOL. 167 ATHLETICS: AWARD BANQUET, .)0/0\cisa isis ocd wtielewaees L HISTORY PROFESSOR TO SPEAK AT DOUGLAS........ 1 FACULTE(STAZY DANCE 24 cs shun scan oe ee wnwes 3 FACULITT (ASSOCIATION: « 0:0 se vic awa ee ny es © sap ees 5 SPORTS o's stein si o4-e 6» @ binele O's msiohane ee inte» epee ene eee 7 PLEASE NOTE: By direction of Principal's Council, material appearing in The Mad Hatter is processed through the Ad- mission's Office without ab- ridgment or editing, except for requirements of space limitations and legal con- siderations. DM44mrvsm2 w>rOcoo >