Continued from Pg 7 Benefits of Membership with the CFS By Ally MacGrotty, External Relations Coordinator, Douglas Students’ Union gives full time students and members of the Federation 25% discount for Greyhound Bus and 35% discounts for Via Rail. The cardholder can utilize TravelCUTS which is a student discount travel company that is partially owned by the CFS. A member can literally say that they own part of a company! The ISIC is a benefit of membership in the Federation and if a non member sought an ISIC, they would have to pay $16.00 to obtain one. Campaigns and Lobbying 1) The most recent campaign victory for the CFS and other member locals of the Federation is when Adult Basic Education (ABE) became free in BC. On Friday, September 7th 2007, the BC Government announced that tuition fees for ABE would be eliminated starting January 2008. At that point, it was clear to me that through strategic government relations and the strong lobbying efforts of the CFS and other concerned organisations, achievable results are possible! See the video on YouTube at watch?v=xPkalx WIkKMA I remember this day distinctively... because that is when I truly realized that the CFS is an accountable, progressive and successful organization with goals and values similar to my own. It made me believe that I could start my own initiatives and strive towards helping the people in my life, my community , and all students wanting a higher- level of education. The Federation has quickly moved on to the next campaign initiative after our ABE victory, and are now targeting Transit, creating the “We Ride: Student Action for Public Transit” campaign (www. Plentiful buttons GO PLACES FROM HERE have been produced and are available at the DSU and petitions have been circulated to all member locals. We jointly hosted a Transit Consultation at the Douglas Students’ Union Building in November which gave students an opportunity to voice their opinions about transit in BC. The ultimate benefit of being a member of the DSU and the Federation is that students are represented at a local, provincial and national level. The DSU Representative Committee, along with other member locals, sends delegates to CFS meetings on a semi-annual basis to talk about all of the issues I have mentioned above, as well as the additional items of finances, policy and bylaws, campaigns and organization development. I think this is the most important part of membership in the Federation. Being able to sit around the table with other student unions from around BC and across the country helps the DSU learn how to offer better services, events, and campaigns. It is also important for us to be represented at these different levels so we can provide input in the decision making of the Federation. I am honestly so proud to be representing Douglas students and ensuring that they are being informed of their benefits. | know with a warm heart, compassionate outlook, and a positive attitude, we can make a difference by working together as a united student January 21, 2008 movement. I am aware of others’ attempt to collect signatures to leave the Federation and am quite saddened by it. However, these individuals, like any other members, have the right to start a petition. My impression of the reactions from students during the first week of classes was confusion. Students have told me that they were under-informed of the purposed of the petition and the ramifications of its intentions. They claim that they felt “scammed” in signing it. Olivia Cooke, a Douglas student enrolled in Business who is also a former Business Admin Representative at Angora, wrote on the public Facebook wall of Wendy Case, one of the organizers of the petition, just this past week. “I had signed a petition to detach from the cuffs, I feel that your cause was misrepresented and feel that this was purposely done. I believe that you lied and stated it as the official view of the dsu. This is dishonest. Please take my name off of the petition. In addition I will be making a formal complaint about this to the [ombudsperson].” All in all, as a warning, my advice is to please read all petitions before you sign them and make informed decisions with everything you do. I don’t predict any serious movement arising from this petition because there is such a strong presence at Douglas College supporting the Canadian Federation of Students. festival eer ears WITHA $5,000 IRVING K. BARBER BC SCHOLARSHIP THERE WILL BE BLOOD Daily at: 12:45, 4:00, 7:10, 10:10 150 scholarships of $5,000 awarded annually to 2"3-year BC students transferring to complete their degree JUNO (5 shows daily) Daily at: 1:00, 3:15, 5:20, 7:30, 9:40 APPLY BEFORE MARCH 31 THE SAVAGES Mon:1:45, 4:30, 4:30, 9:35 Tue, Wed, Thu: 1:45, 4:30, 7:20, 9:35 Visit: or talk to your campus Financial Aid Office today THE IRVING K. BARBER British Columbia Scholarship Society THE DIVING BELL AND THE BUTTERFLY Daily at:1:30, 4:20, 6:50, 9:15 IN PARTNERSHIP WITH VICTORIA FOUNDATION NO COUNTRY FOR OLD MEN Daily at: 1:15, 4:10, 7:00, 9:50 Investing in the skills and talents of British Columbia's students