Canadian CFS ot students Raa CE des étudiant(e)s The Canadian Federation of Students respects the right of Douglas students to hold a referendum on maintaining their membership in Canada's only national student organisation. However, the vote held during registration, on January 7,8,9 by the Douglas College Student Society (DCSS), had a large number of irregularities which were both frequent and illegal. All Douglas students are members of the Federation, which represents more than 400,000 students across Canada, and 83,000 in B.C. During and since the vote many students have come forward with complaints about balloting practices they witnessed, and concerns about the “VOTE NO” campaign orchestrated by the DCSS.Some ofthese problems includestudents being told to “vote no” while being handed a ballot, large VOTE NO bannersbeside the voting area, VOTE NO leaflets beside the ballot box, many students who were not registering on those days completely being denied their right to vote, and the list goes on.... What many find particularly offensive is the DCSS’s lack of respect for students by not . informing WHY they were being told to vote no. - Douglas students have the right to know what their national student organisation is doing, and the reason why students should or should not maintain their membership. And at that point make a knowledgeable vote. Several Douglas students are suggesting that another vote be held, following legal procedures, so that we can determine genuine student opinion on maintaining membership. Ifyouare also concerned about what happened, missed your chance to vote, or would like to see something done about this, please take the time to fill out the coupon below, or call the local office of the Canadian Federation of Students at 733-1880. Scania ee My concerns about the recent referendum are: SRA sd SSeS SRE Name: Address: Phone: Please mail or eee eee 2344 Spruce St. Vancouver BC V6H 2P2 cdoraaioak of Students Phone: 733-1880 Canadian Foderation of Students cso This guy hates us a lot To the communist pinkos who have nothing better to do than whine at the Other Press: ’ Yourpapersucks! Knowone I know reads your paper except for a laugh. I've never seen an empty paper box, butI'veseen full garbage bins with your paper. Your last paper I read, I found on the hallway floor, and received funny and dirty looks when people spotted me carrying it. I don't know if you have a suggestion box, [havenotseen one butif you don't I know why. Leftwing papers are for potsmoking, hippy like sixtieish bums who have nothing to do. All you tell is stupid unfortunate storiesaboutOTHER places, neglecting stories about DC and New West. Get on with your lives because only you yourself can make anything out of yourself. I come to college to learn and geta career not jsut sit on my ass and rally and complain. Name not given In the future, please remember to provide name, student number, and program of study withletters togeth in order to see them in print - OP Article unfair to professor To the Other Press in response to the article in the last issue about the “sexist” books studied in English 106. I am surprised that you allowed such an ill-informed student tosubmitsucha damning articlein your mostrecentissue. If she has read the books (Shoeless Joe, The Lords of Discipline and the Millstone), she has certainly not understood them or the social climate within which they were written. Even if her comments had not been sexist and stereotypical in themselves (“just pregnant’”!), how canyou possibly credit the opinion of someone displeasure becausea novel, setin the60’s,abouta militaryacademy, had no strong female characters? Ifshedid notlike thenovels, well, everyone is entitled to their opinion, but to attempt to brand a good prof. as sexist use she happens to have acquired some dated feminist views,is whatgives feminism a bad name. I am a feminist, but I don’t have to do stereotypically male things to prove it, nor dol have to demand that every female character in every novel should. If she wishes to censor books because they do not agree with her own ideology, why doesn’tshejsutsay so? Books have beenburned before, perhaps she can start a new craze for this neglected pastime. Katherine Montagu UT Arts UVic wants DC in CFS Anopenlettertothestidents of Douglas College: I am writing you on behalf of the studentsat the University of Victoria to urge you to continue yourinvolvementintheCanadian Federation of Students. Students atboth UVicand Douglas College have benefitted from our alliance withstudentsthroughoutB.C.and across Canada. Allied with over 83, 000 studentsinB.C., wehaveforgeda strong provincial voice through the Canadian Federation of Students. Through our lobbying effortsduring the “Freeze the Fees” campaigntwoyearsago, students at Douglas College and UVic suceeded in persuading the the NDP toincludein their platforma freeze on tuition fees and a full review of the financial barriers to post-secondary education. Nationally, we have prevented the Conservative Government from imposing the GST on tuition fees through our lobbying efforts. The Canadian Federation of Students continues to fight the 3% tax on student loans through local letter writing campaigns and direct lobbying of the Secretary of State. Macleans Magazine has rated our national organisation one of the top ten lobby groups in the country. The Canadian Federation of Students will only continue tofight for student rights, to run campaigns on issuesof concern to students, and to provide services for students as long as our members continue to work er. Students at UVic look forward to many more years of ° working with you and other students at Douglas College. Jacquie Best University of Victoria Students’ Society Canadian Federation of Studnents Local 44 North Island wants DC in CFS On behalf of the students of North Island College, lencourage the studentsat Douglas College to continue their membership in the Canadian Federation of Students. This past November, North Island students voted overwhelmingly—97.4% to join the Canadian Federation of Students while voting toestablish astudent association at the North Island College. As Federation members we work together on theissues facing the community college students across the province, including high tuition fees, inadequate student loans plus a horrible 3% federal tax on them, course cancellations and long wait lists. Membership in the Canadian Federation of Students is vital to the students of British Columbia. Please continue your cooperation with us and with the other members of the Federation in working fora quality,accessible system of post-secondary educatiion. Jerri Price Provincial Representative North Island Students’ Association Campbell River, B.C. CFS wants DC in CFS Anopenlettertothestudents of Douglas College In 1981, the Canadian Federation of Students was formed on the premise that students need a voice at the provincial and federal levels to fight for our rights. Together, through the CFS, we have stood together across the country toinformthe government ontheregressive three percent tax . on student loans. When the Conservative governmenttired to apply the GST to tuition, it was through the CFS that students were able to put enough pressure on the government to get them to back down. We are the Canadian Federation of Students. Together, we are able to fight for what we know is right. Together we can fight for ourrightsbothasstudents and as Canadian citizens. There is no other organization which works for students. Say “Yes” to organizing together for a better, more accessible education, and vote “yes” to YOUR national student organization. Marcella Munro CFS/CFS-O Commissioner Local #1 York wants DC in CFS An open letter to Douglas College students: The effects of continued underfunding by governments have struck colleges across Canada - but especially hard at your school - Douglas College! You have _ overcrowding classrooms, increasing tuition (17% thisyear and more than300% increase over the past ten years!), and long registration lines with with course selection and hundreds confirmed as turn- aways from attending Douglas! Wow! We have read about your situation through our campusnewspaper The Excalibur, which reprints Other Press/ Canadian University Press articles. As a member of the Canadian Frederation of Students (CFS) I learned that you are holding areferendum tore-affirm your membership in CFS. I am writing to urge you to maintain your membership in CFS and to continue to work with students from across the country in the fight toimproveconditionsatpost- secondary institutions across the country. Inthe face of continued cuts, totalling $3.2 billion over the past five years, to the federal transfer payments that fund post- secondary education in both our provinces, the implementation of a3% tax onourstudentloans,and the imposition of the GST on our textbooks, students’ need for a national student movement has never been more pressing. Colleges aren’t leaving the Federation, in fact more schools are joiningt and we are growing stronger, after all, we must be to work for the changes necessary. I believe thatthereisstrengthinour numbers, I hope students at Douglas agree! Rob Centa Vice-President Student Federation York University