PAGE 8 THE OTHER PRESS AUGUST 30, 1983 STUDENT __ ELECTIONS . This is to officially notify all Douglas College Students of the upcoming, Student Society elections . The elections are bein?, held for the Executive positions of President, Treasurer, Secretary, and Member at Large for Maple Ridge Site,and four Student Representatives for each of the following, Student Representative Councils: Business, Health/Dental, University Transfer, Social Sciences, Music/Art, and Social Services. | | Candidates must be registered students at Douglas Collee and enrolled in at least 1(one) Credit Course, and have paid their fees in full. The candidates for the Student Representative Councils must be enrolled in a majority of courses within the programs of the Representative Councils. Candidates for the Member at Large (Maple Ridge) must be enrolled in a majority of courses at the Maple Ridge Site, Candidates must be nominated by notless than -——. 5 (five) members in 3,00d standin®, (reRistered in at least 1 (one) Credit Course at Douglas College). Candidates for the Student Representative positions must be elected Only by students enrolled in a majaority of courses within the candidates Representative Council. Nomination papers shall contain the ‘Name and Student number of the members nominated, alon?, with the Office for which the member is nominated. Campaigning, may commence on Tuesday, September 6, 1983, providing, that the proper nomination papers have been filed and received in the main business office (room 2320 Royal Site) of Douglas College Student Society. “ Campaignin?, must cease at Midnight on Tuesday, September 20, 1983. Votin3, will be held.on Thursday, September 22, 1983. Polling hours will be from 0800 - 2000. Nominations close at 12 Noon Thursday , September 15, 1983. Nomination forms are available at your Student Society office and will be attached to the Election notices posted on Site. Forms must be sent to the Student Society Business Office (room 2320) on the Royal Site in New Westminster. Term of office commences on Monday September 26, 1983 and expires on Friday , August 31, 1984. An All Candidates Meetin? will be held on the Royal Site on Monday, September 19, 1983. The Maple Ridge All Candidates Meeting will be announced at a later date. Note: Should all positions be filled by acclamation, the All Candidates Meetings Will Be Canceled. Please call 522-6038 for any further information.