December 20, 1982 DOUGLAS COLLEGE ARCHIVES TO ALL COLLEGE PERSONNEL FROM BILL DAY During the period of December 20 through January 3, I will be away from the Col- lege. In my absence, Gerry DellaMattia will be Acting College President. Should the need arise, please feel free to contact Gerry in his office during this period. UPDATE: FIRST REGISTRATION ORIENTATION MEBTING In attendance: Jean Easton Carol Ieyland Jim Clogg Hank taylor Jan Selman ‘ Dave Burgess Lorraine Aldridge — Registration information packages were given out at this orientation. Qur next meeting is December 22, in Room 4306 at 1400 hours. We hope for a better turnout. “LIBRARY HOURS - CORRECTICN The library will be closed December 24 to January 3, 1983; not December 14 to January 3 as previously announced. In addition, the hours which the library will be open on December 22 and 23 are 0830 to 1630. SECTION 66 OF THE COLLEGE AND INSTITUTES ACT Section 66 of the College and Institutes Act (the "Sunset Clause") required all colleges and institutes to submit a re- port "setting out the reasons, if any, why the corporation should continue to exist..." Copies of the Douglas College report have been distributed to all administrative personnel and to representatives of the Student Society, B.C.G.E.U. and the Faculty Association. Should anyone wish to read the report, please contact one of these people. A few copies are avail-— able fram Gerry DellaMattia. - FOR SALE 1972 Datsun 510 Very Reliable. Call Kathleen @ 683-3647. MERRY CHRISTMAS AND HOLIDAY WISHES TO ALL! es a eee