OUGLAS C The OULLEGE LIBRA ARCHIVES February 22, 1982 $5 Mad Hatter A Douglas aL. Newsletter. | PRESIDENT'S REPORT TO THE DOUGLAS | COLLEGE BOARD, FEBRUARY 18, 1982 A. External Matters - Municipal Mr. Doug Manning, New Westminster City Administrator, has informed us that work is underway on the draft document that could form the basis for an agreement between the City and the College regarding Simcoe Park. It is expected that ‘during the next month, this docu- ment will be available for review at the staff level. Mr. Dick Wright, of the First Capital City Development Company, is most anx- ious that negotiations be expedited, because of current negotiations re- garding the development of the riverfront. I have promised Mr. Wright that we will have a meeting with him and representatives of Beacon Industries in the near fut- ure. I have reason to believe that the question of a site for the re- location of Beacon Industries has now been resolved. Mr. Ed Redmond and I made a pres- entation to the Burnaby Kingsway Rotary Club. The group seems to be interested in Douglas College's present development plans, and also relatively umaware of Douglas College's purposes and activities in Burnaby. This indicates the need for future activities in this area. Pursuant to direction from the Board at Christmastime, I have ar- ranged for a meeting with Mayor Tonn next week regarding the pos- sible future directions of College development in Coquitlam. If that meeting so indicates, I may be re- questing Board assistance in further meetings in Coquitlam. B. Extermal Matters - Education The last month was dominated by an urgent series of meetings between Douglas College and Ministry per- sonnel, regarding the future of our Nursing and Dental Programs. ‘Two extended meetings have been held with Mr. Lorne Thompson, Executive Director of Post-Secondary Programs, | and a third held this morning with Dr. Grant Fisher, Assistant Deputy Minister, Post-Secondary. The in- itial Ministry proposals resulted in excellent staff work, and the prod- uction of impact reports that have been provided to the Ministry. ‘The Ministry officials involved have agreed that more consideration is required. Qn the College's behalf, I have agreed to a process whereby all available evidence relating to Dental Programs shall be reviewed by a panel consisting of representatives of the Ministries of Health and Education, and the Academic Council, .to which the College and the Ministry person- nel involved will make a presenta- tion. Time is of the essence in this decision, because of the Building Program, and the large amounts of cap-' ital dollars that are now at risk. Therefore, Dr. Fisher and I have agreed that the panel's decision should be made on the day of presenta- tion. I request the Board's approval of this process, which in my judgment is a very fair one, considering the limited) amount of time within which the deci- | sion has to be made. Dr. Fisher has agreed also that the initial request regarding Nursing Programs was per- haps premature, and did not fully take into account the situation of the College both in regard to the Building | ae tt hi erernniall