oe DOUGLAS COLLEGE LIs.. ARCHIVES NEW WEST TELEPHONE CHANGES As of MONDAY, MARCH 3, 1980 THE NEW WESTMINSTER CAMPUS HAS A NEW SWITCHBOARD. Two main differneces with this system are: 1. Transferring of Calls - DO NOT DIAL 1 (Refer to the instructions in the Brochure). 2. A "Beeping Tone" approximately every 30 seconds while the phone is in use denotes another call is waiting on the line. PLEASE REFER TO THE GREEN BROCHURE which is provided with every phone for more detailed instructions. THE FOLLOWING LOCALS HAVE BEEN CHANGED: 229 MUSIC/THEATRE/HUMANITIES/MODERN LANGUAGES office (Barbara Sekhon) NOW IS eon aes ; 233 BUSINESS & COMMERCE/LITERATURE & COMMUNICATIONS office (Nancy Den Daas) NoW IS eee ae 223 PURCHASING (Mabel Endacott) NOW IS anwar DH = 250 CAMPUS SUPERVISOR (Ken McCoy) NOW IS ZS PoF.* 22: LIBRARY CIRCULATION DESK NOW IS el6 Pit. 234 PHYSICAL PLANT NOW IS ely PoP ,* 249 PRINCIPALS OFFICE (Bill Day) NOW IS eer Par 273 LIBRARY AUDIO VISUAL (Paul Andreassen) NOW IS 219 P.F.* 210 BURSARS OFFICE (Bill Morfey) NOW IS 232 2D WOMEN'S STUDIES (Margaretha Hoek) NOW IS 234 214 COPY CENTRE (Julie Ekins ) NoW IS 238 215 COUNSELLING (Gail Jones) NOW IS 240 216 PHYSLGAL SCIENCES NOW IS 249 216X PHYSICAL SCIENCES NOW IS 25,0 P| CRIMINOLOGY (Lyle Howarth) Now IS 273 287 FACULTY OFFICE (Helen Zoellmer) NOW IS 280 218 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE NOW IS 2a 219 PAYROLL Now IS 22.8 240 PERSONNEL DIRECTOR - NOW IS 229 281 FACULTY ASSOCIATION NOW IS 286 229X MUSIC INSTRUMENT REPAIR NOW IS 287 The numbers listed with P.F.* denote "POWER FAILURE" which in such an event will be the only lines operational. Locals 211 and 213 are also P.F. but otherwise remain the same. 7 + local - access to Surrey tie lines has been changed to: 81 + local desired. There remains a few wrinkles to iron out but by next week the benefits of the new board should be fully felt in an improved ability to get "in and out" of campus. There are a few locals available and consideration will be given to requests for new assignments. Please bear with the PABX staff during the conversion routine. RSC aera eee ene nner Ken McCoy = PLMore, .=