DOUGLAS COLLEGE ee ALL STAFF AND) FACLLTY DATE: MARCH 13), 1974 BOOKSTORE SUPPLIES!! -- ANNUAL AUDIT CLOSURE The Bookstore on New Westminster Campus will be closed March 27, 28 & 29. Surrev Campus Bookstore will be closed March 28 & 29. Please obtain all supplies you will be requiring during this time period as soon as possible. In the case of an emergency we will trv to help out but we ask that you pick up your requirements (including that extra pen) before these closure dates. Thank You. THURSDAY NOON CONCERTS IN MARCH 7 March, 1974 Student Recital 14 March, 1974 Vocal Recital Joanne Dorenfeld, soprano D.M.A. student, U.B.C. 21 March, 1974 Classic Guitar Recital Theo Bagchus, guitar 28 March, 1974 Student Recital