Wednesday, February 29, 1984. THE OTHER-PUBLICATIONS SOCIETY xpenses Statement of members’ deficit for the year ended 31 August 1983 ust 1983 1983 1982 (unaudited : and restated 1983 1982 - Note 2 (unaudited) MEMBERS' EQUITY, beginning of year $ 13,510 $ 6,461 As previously reported $ 4,583 $ 3,748 15,551 wae 145 Prior period adjustments - Note 2 ,157 Equipment purchases (cumulative) (3,859) (3,693) seals) ease ’ Reduction of accounts payable 1,734 - As restated 2,458 55 7,046 4,813 NET INCOME/(LOSS) FOR THE YEAR (4,084) 2,403 3,766 1,611 as »794 6,377 ae 166 MEMBERS' EQUITY/(DEFICIT), end of year $ (1,626) _ $ 2,458 825 ~ THE OTHER PUBLICATIONS SOCIETY 4,844 12,967 Se Beta St ealenue Notes to the financial statements as at 31 August 1983 1,950 - 2,148 3,354 : ; a ‘ ee NOTE 1 - Significant accounting policies 1,385 1 a) Equipment purchases ae _ (1,734) Equipment purchases are expensed in the year of ‘acquisition. 1,291 526 b) Accrual basis 11,431 6,787 These financial statements have been prepared on an accrual basis and consequently reflect revenue in the period earned 36,275 19,754 rather than in the period collected, and reflect expenses in $4,088) $2,403 the period incurred rather than in the period paid. NOTE 2 - Prior period adjustments Equipment purchases 982 In prior years, the Socity recorded equipment purchases as fixed 1983 1 ay assets and depreciated such equipment on a declining balance (unaudited): basis. The net book value of these assets as at 31 August 1982 was $3,859. This amount has been charged against Members’ Equity 5 as a prior period adjustment in the current year, and the prior $ 3,322 5 Stee. year has been restated to reflect this equipment expense. It is 2,539 ae not known to which accounts prior years’ depreciation expense was = charged. $ 5,861 $ 3,707 Accounts payable as at 31 August 1982 Due to a change in Society staff during the year and the unavailability of former staff members, the composition of the ; “1.249 accounts payable at 31 August 1982 is not known. The portion of $ 7,487 $ 1, the opening balance not reconciled ($1,734) has been charged against Members' Equity as a prior period adjustment and the prior year's accounts payable have been reduced accordingly. ; | a pike NOTE 3 - Comparative figures ; 3.707 Certain prior year's unaudited figures have been re-classified $_5,861 $_3, where necessary to conform to current presentation.