Page 2 The Other Press Continued from Page 1 co-operative in name only, and we’re not interested in myths.’’ Howard said they have until March, when both the hospital and the programme fiscal year ends, to find alternative financing. ‘‘We are committed to courses running in May and June,’’ said Howard. ‘‘We are going to be really busy in May because we have to arrange for the courses to go into the college calendar.’’ \ The possible alternative for funding from the hospital auxiliary was also discussed at the board meeting. Howard said that would be ‘‘politically unwise,’’ and would encounter union opposition. Another possible solution to the problem is to have more of the cost of the courses go towards office maintenance and to hire the clerk typist as a part time position. The centre started six years ago after two years of talks between the Royal Columbian and the College. It was agreed that the AO om Ke) ae NTN AN ca ets 526-1411 When You're ready to run. PURE ae le © GAMES AREA © TV SPORTS presents oP ub Mon.-Fri. * “I Bob Wishingski Sat. Sing-a-long “The Crofters”8 © NIGHTLY ENTERTAINMENT 7S Re © BUSINESSMEN’S LUNCHES “we. © INTIMATE ATMOSPRERE Open 11:00-12:00 Mon -Thurs. 2 11:00-1:00 Fri. and Sat. Proper Dress after 7:00 1001 austin abe. coquitlam, b.c. hospital hospital would supply a clerk clerk typist and space and the college would supply two full time directors for th the programme. Day, who was involved in the inception of the programme, said,‘‘We are obviously going to do more work with the Columbian in the future, but it’s obvious that at least this time it’s not going to be in the form of jointly funded long term projects...what we are doing, though, is working hard to keep the notion of .the centre alive.’’ Continued from page 1 At the moment, there is only one college which offers information through Telidon. This is Vancouver Vocational College. Douglas College will be having calendar and academic information established. This information will be accessible to anyone across Canada by way of Telidon. If you are interested in knowing more about Telidon, Jean Wemmen will be holding demonstrations i daily, at 3 p.m. eae | Re | mas Se ¢ awe wm iat DG Seah 70-° In Douglas They Don’t Say. Canadian University Press ™any employers think the education system has failed Who says a university to produce skilled workers education is worthwhile? for industry. It also predicts In Ontario, almost two out shortages of engineers and of every three students will computer experts in Onta- be unable to find jobs that rio. require a university educa- But Ontario students put- tion in the next five years, ting money into university according to a government .education. don’t need to report. worry--they’Il probably be The report predicts at able to find jobs to pay off least 88,100 graduates will their loans. According to compete for jobs that could the report, unemployment be filled by college in Ontario will drop to 4.6 graduates. At the same per cent by 1986. time, there will be short- NDP education critic Tony ages of about 45,000 highly Grande said he suspected skilled workers, including the Ontario government machine operators and was producing information welders. to give credibility to es, The report notes that educational policies. Numero uno in Mexico and in Canada. 700 mi AUTENTICAS MARCA REGISTRADA REG FED. CAUSANTES TSA. 671208 NOM- 102-1 DE- AGAVE TEQUILA - ELABORADO ¥ ENVASADO POR TEQUILA BAUZA, 8. A, HECHO EN MEXICO AUTENTICAS | THE BOTTLED ROMANCE OF MEXICO