| rl Aficionados of “The Hat", Li have ee signal ‘honour of coy a series et, articles ‘on the Charter, so. forwarned | vis. forarmed. Never having been a ‘member sof a self selecting "underground" movement: before, I am both pleased and delighted to be a "Chartist" (1987 eieaceyS The organization and objectives of our tiny Chartist cell have been outlined by Gary Park son in the January Sh edition, along with a sincere and open invitation for al 1 those interested to join. © need not. “1 belabour the point further, since ol have my own pressing problem: OW i to introduce the Charter? - ‘ pie a 7 ; se | a el a tT Frankly, il fi nd it "presumptuous to “introduce! the ee to my colleagues - for, after all, the topic has been around for years. We have | all seen c copies of the Charter of Fundamental Rights “and Freedoms, and remember ¢ the endles: ess years of politi cal debate over the constitution. There is a pert ectly "understandable tendency on the part of most Canadians simply t to ass um that an charter exists. : Indeed, some might argue that given the incredible amount of time and energy de V ot ed to! ‘the constitut tion over the years» it is a positive re lief to. leave ‘the whole - area_ of rights and freedoms to the lawyers and judges and politicians. i: hesitate to presume, but I think that there is ‘no longer any ci a ee ir nero this a this: province. or this country. rr, at eee J a | é om nk that we must continue to examine our Charter and our attitudes: towards” it. For one of the. first hallmarks of the decay and inevitable decline 0 of a Viberal democracy is lack of knowledge and TeSpREE. for civil Viberties and sess among members of the iaearial: population of ‘ar “country. There are other more | blatant signals, of course, such as the breakdown: of patterns of civil obedience 1 oe tee: authority figures. But ignorance is Piel a more > subtle form of decay, insidious, eo meeately just as destructive. ) De | td : oe evolutionary development of the Charter” and our | attitude tonards itr tied to both our public and private experiences. We all know of di: iscriminatory ae in this country, as they have been ‘reported in the popular press, or even as have affected ourselves. We ‘remember wie some of our native ve Ss were ‘given sj ’ } 4 - it ca r - ul th ‘eal G . t a te aie * Te? a. = he i Cl pee = epee . oo Ns re