-£- IV. Status of Committee VI. VII. The committee sits by virtue of Article 14 of the current Collective Agreement and is bound by the mandate and financial allocation agreed to there. Oo . Committee Membership As a result of the letter of understanding dated November 25, 1986, the committee will now be comprised of the following respresentatives: | Faculty member from each division: Academic Applied Programs Community Programs and Services Educational and Student Services ! 1 Middle Manager 1 Senior Administrator The appointment of representatives to the committee will be the respon- sibility of the DKFA and the college administration respectively. Members will serve one year appointments beginning each September. The Profes- sional Development Consultant will be invited to attend as an ex-officio member of the committee. A chairperson will be elected from the membership of the committee each O September to serve for one year. Professional Development Program The committee will be responsible for devising a strategic plan for develop- ing a comprehensive professional development program for faculty. The committee will also be responsible for implementing and co-ordinating this program. The committee will be responsible for showing college-wide leadership to identify and meet the professional development needs of faculty. Individual committee members will be responsible for seeking submissions from the respective constituencies they represent regarding the professional development needs of faculty. Liaison The committee will undertake liaison with the departmental professional development committees to encourage co-ordination of professional development activities throughout the college and co-ordination of the financial resources available. Periodically, the committee will consult with the Staff Development Comm- oO ittee to explore the possibilities for jointly sponsored activities. February, 1987.