DOUGLAS COLLEGE INTER OFFICE MEMO to. "MAD HATTER" oate. Sept. 16/75 erom. JEAN BUZAN rf , e DOUGLAS COtirer LICRARY "RETIRED - BUT INSPIRED!" ARCHIVES RE The seventeen-week TV series done earlier this year under the above title is shortly being resuscitated in a novel one-day "workshop". Jean Buzan, coordinator of the series, tells us that on Saturday, October 4th, in the 4-room complex on New Westminster Campus, there will be a reshowing of some of these programs. Not only that, but some of the guests from the original shows will be on hand in person to answer people's questions and demonstrate their skills. Subjects vary from fashions to road safety, from sailing at 70 to making toys for grandchildren, from talking books to art appreciation. The event is FREE, and is being run in conjunction with the New Westminster School Board who are preceding it with three Wednesday evening forums on retirement preparation. (For further particulars of this, call 526-7711). Time - 10:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. Anyone is welcome - - you don't have to be as ancient a as Jean! | a LIBRARY - OVERDUE FEES 4 During the Spring 1975 semester the Library experimented with the overdue fee policy by dropping fees on overdue recalled materials. An average of 68.6% of recalled materials was returned before or on the date due. The remaining materials (31.4%) were kept overdue for an average of 8 days, The results are basically positive, however, borrower complaints indicate that an eight day wait for requested items is impractical. In response to this concern the Library has revised the policy so that overdue fees will not be assessed against recalled items, but if these materials are kept overdue the name and telephone number of the delinquent borrower will be given to the requesting borrower. Fees will continue to be assessed against overdue Reserve items at the rate of 25ยข per hour. Janice Friesen Assistant Librarian Circulation