October 3, 1983 A number of factors could have dragged it down, according to campus director Larry Davies, an ex-school | principal entering his _ third year on the job. | "By Andy Buttar News Staff Writer | “I personally felt that with the beautiful new campus in New West- minster, people would opt for that instead,” he said eure: an interview after "But it just hasn't happened.” There was also the fear the “novelty” of the first- year college transfer j package, first offered in 1982-83, might have worn off, he said. But the college this year boasts 17 In a small white panne: on 224th Street, Douglas College is holding its own. Enrolment for the fall at the Maple Ridge centre is steady from last year, at about 320. _ full-time students in the course, compared to just 18 last year, Davies attributes the congenial nature of the small Maple Ridgecentre as one reason people stayed, “Everything is all in one place,” he said, “There is just one person, Sherry Walker, to see for book selling, advice or whatever.” Perhaps more impor- tant, said Davies, is the convenience of the college's location. “Tf you don’t have an automobile, how do you get to New Westminster? Try taking the bus from here to New West some time,” he said, citing the four-hour travelling time could be better used for study or on a part-time Job. beoaten: écllogh ‘doing just fine’ Davies believes for that. reason, the college board | and adminstration are committed to keeping t the centre open, éven in the face of current restraint. | For its approximately — $250,000 annual budget, the centre offers one college preparation | course, 12 college transfer courses and a42- seat adult basic education program each four- month semester. — Davies noted the “unique” sharing re- lationship with School District 42 as one reason costs are kept down. The two share facil- ities, instructors andeven Davies, who is also principal of the contin- uing education program for the district. “You just use your resources to achieve the best quality at the least cost,” he advised. And everything is fine in the small white building, thank-you. DOUGLAS COLLEGE ARCHIVES