MAD HATTER PAGE 2 PRESIDENT'S REPORT TO DOUGLAS COLLEGE BOARD - MARCH 18, 1982 A. EXTERNAL MATTERS - MUNICIPAL Mayor Tonn of Coquitlam, has been in- formed of our impending removal of College activities from the Winslow Site. In addition, I have discussed with Mayor Tonn general proposals for a continuing and developing College presence in Coquitlam over the next five years. He is looking forward to further contact with the College following the approval of our 5-Year Plan by the Board. I have had meetings with Mr, Alexander of the Beacon Industries, Mr. Wright of First Capital City Development Company Limited, and Mr. Manning, of New Westminster City, regarding the Simcoe Park Project. This project continues to show progress. B. EXTERNAL MATTERS - EDUCATION Following the Minister's letter to the Board, regarding the Ministry's desire to clarify and resolve the question of services to Maple Ridge, a meeting was held with Dr. Grant Fisher, Mr. Lorne Thompson, Mr. Henry Justesen of the Pacific Voca- tional Institute, M.H. Morfey and my- self on March 10th. As a result of that meeting, a joint consultation was held in Maple Ridge on March 17th involving Jim Doerr, Larry Davies, Henry Justesen, Hector McIntyre of the Ministry of Education, Mr. Ted Killough, District Superintendent of Schools, Mrs. Helen Casher and Mr. Gerry Trerise of the Douglas College Board, and myself. The meeting lasted four hours, and can be considered a success, in that all participants had a much clearer concept of the problems and possibilities posed by the pres- ent Maple Ridge situation. The Board will be given further information on this matter by Mr. Trerise and Mrs. Casher. I recommend that an inmed- iate follow-up meeting occur, prefer- ably involving Douglas and Maple Ridge School District officials, and approp- Yriate College administrators. The in- tent of this meeting should be to add to existing proposals with the Ministry | regarding College facilities in that | district. A further meeting of Chief Executive Officers of Lower Mainland tertiary | institutions occurred on February 19th. ; In due course the Board will be examin- ing documents produced by the group, with regard to rationalization and in- tegration of educational activities on the Lower Mainland. A group of students from Algonquin College visited Douglas College for a week, from March 8 to March 12. This visit was a result of the initi- ative of Douglas College faculty. I had the pleasure of meeting with the group. They seem to be enjoying the experience. I attended a very significant lecture | by Dr. Kjell Rubensen at UBC on March { | 1 | | 1 i | | llth. His lecture was on problems of implementing the principle of equity in post-secondary education. I hope | to be able to arrange for a visit by Dr. Rubensen to the College in the near | future, in order that he could expand | on this topic which is so central to our present and future concerns. Qn Friday, March 12, Douglas College made a presentation to a panel struck | by the Ministry of Education to review | our conflict with the Ministry over development of the Dental Auxiliary | Program. Mr. E. Redmond, Dean of | Applied Programs, orchestrated present- | ations by the College Administration, | College Faculty, the College of Dental | Surgeons, the Dean of Dentistry of UEC | and the head of the Dental Hygiene |