eer aacy, All Personnel Emergency Evacuation Plan The Health & Safety Committee has reviewed a draft evacuation plan prepared by the Facilities Services Department and recommended the plan to the Management Committee for approval. The plan is currently under review with the operational division/department and we expect to have approval shortly. In the interim period the Health & Safety Committee feels very strongly on the importance of this issue and accordingly I am instructing that all personnel must evacuate the building when the alarm sounds. Faculty are responsible for informing students under their supervision. Earlier in the year we had a number of false alarms in the building and we believe the matter is now under control. When the alarm system is being tested or worked on we will make every reasonable effort to advise personnel according- ly so as to minimize any future inconvenience. W.L. Day can be made through Gladys Loewen, Coordinator of Adult Special Education, at local 2791 in the Student Services Centre. The ALRC is located in Room 2790C in the Student Services Centre. Jody Pilling, the ALRC instructor, can be reached at local 2793. ~ Access Learning Resource Centre Thanks to continuous funding from the Ministry of Education, the Access Learning Resource Centre is once again providing support services for Douglas College students who have special needs. Our aim is to provide services for disabled students who require assessments to identify learning styles and/or to facilitate program planning, as well as to provide learning support services to help disabled students meet objectives in their courses and programs. The latter may involve "one-on-one" or small group tutoring, where there is an emphasis placed on isolating compensatory learning strategies. The ALRC services are available to students with a wide range of disabling conditions, eg., visual impairments, hearing impairments, physical disabilities, emotional disabilities, neurological impairments, mental handicaps, learning disabilities, etc. Referrals for services Any Donations ? Every year the Province newspaper runs The Empty Stocking fund to collect donations for children who have very little during the Christmas season. This year, many of the women incarcerated at the Lakeside Correctional Centre would like to help too by contribuitng their various hobby crafts to the fund. If you have any spare knitting needles, crochet hooks, wool, material, or anything useful for hobby crafts, the women at Lakeside would appreciate them. Christmas is approximately a month away, so the sooner materials are donated to Lakeside, the sooner these hobby crafts can make their way to The Empty Stocking Christmas Fund. Donations of hobby craft materials can be made to Don Allen, C P & S or at 2302. Thank you & Merry Christmas! Booking Lists Please help us by sending in your film booking/ equipment booking lists as soon as possible for the Spring 1986 semester. If you need any instructor's request forms, call Elizabeth at local 2104. Thank you. New Address The British Columbia Association of Colleges has moved. Its new address is: #113 - 744 West Hastings St., Vancouver, B.C. V6C1A5 The phone number is still (604) 688-3571 — ee