Editor Adam Honsinger the_editor57@hotmail.com News Editor Eileen Velthuis EileenV@telus.net Features Editor Sven Bellamy opfeatures@netscape.net Opinions Editor Erin Culhane opinionsubmit@hotmail.com Culture Editor Kerry Evans submit_to_cultur 00.Ca Assistant Culture Editor Amanda Aikman Sports Editor Jordan Cripps dcsportseditor@yahoo.ca Assistant Sports Editor Neill Jeffrey Proofreaders Sven Bellamy Dawn-Louise Mcleod Production & Layout Gerard Then op_production@graphic-designer.com Graphic Design/Production Manager Trevor Hargreaves bunkmedia@hotmail.com Photography Devon Lewis arachne@the-lair.com Office Manager & Distribution Pierre Florendo pyok@shaw.ca Advertising Manager Zahra Jamal Bookkeeper Ali Jamal alijamal66@hotmail.com Cartoonist J.J. McCullough TABLE OF CONTENTS: News 3... CFS Unveils Fresh Tactics 4... New Child Care Program Devastating 4... Fed’s Appeal Keeps Pot Issue Smouldering 5... Gou’t Spies Op-Ed 6... Broad’s Eye View 6... Third Degree 7... Science Matters 7... Opinion Poll 8... Should Campbell Step Down? 8... Poison Control 101 9... “Truism” us Fact 9... Editorial Cartoon 10... Students of Canada Culture 11... What’s on fround Town 12... CD Reviews 13... Confessions of a DJ 13... Anime Review 14... Interview with Annie Guillo 16... Photo[graphic] 17... Poetry/Fiction/Essay/etc. Features 18... Chomsky Cuts to the Heart 20... Of Power, Pleasure and Prostitutes 22... To the Edge of the World and Back Sports 24... Royals Keep Busy 24... Canucks Victories 25... Sports at a Glance 26... Hockey fifter Life 27... Senators Bankrupt . 27... Classifieds RE: When The Suppression of Ideas is All that Remains (Dec. 4) Editor, Macdonald Stainsby writes that there is no anti-semi- tism in the left’s criticism of Israel yet in his own article there are several examples. Stainsby states that the Netenyahu event at wart_manu@yahoo.com Astrology Odin Zavier schoolofthoth@yahoo.com Columnists Dawn-Louise Mcleod iconoclastcom@yahoo.ca Jennifer Aikman Look broadeyeview@hotmail.com Website Jennifer Aikman Look broadeyeview@hotmail.com Contributors Macdonald Stainsby, Nick Hogg, Bill cripps, Amanda Aikman, and Justin Ray New Westminster Room 1020-700 Royal Avenue, New Westminster V3L 5B2 Ph//604.525.3542 Fax//604.525.3505 http://otherpress.douglas.be.ca email:submit@op.douglas.bc.ca Concordia had been open only to people who were “of the right sort.” He doesn’t say exactly what this means but we can infer. . . those Jews, they always stick togeth- er. He then states the Israeli Occupation Force is “like a vampire, it thrives off the blood of people . . .” This evokes the old anti-semitic image of the Jewish vampire drinking gentile blood. Stainsby also alludes to some kind of conspiracy around the tearing down of anti-war posters at Douglas College, writing that this seems only “a small prank, a minor thing,” following this with a statement about how Israel “avoids the light” hinting that maybe this poster tearing was some kind of “con- certed effort.” However, I think it was an excellent idea to publish this article so people can understand where the extreme left stands in this debate . . shoulder to shoulder with Osama Bin Laden. Kim Harrison a our Andi no = Go ae _ University Press (CUP), a cooperative of student from across Canada. "We adhere to CUPS Starement of Common Principles and Code of Cer us not to. ‘The Other Press reserves the right to choose what to. publish, and will not publish material that is racist, sexist or ee if necessary. Printed by Van Press Printers Led. revenue. The Other Press is a member of the Canadian when it suits The Other Press Submission Guidelines The weekly deadline for submissions is Wednesday at 6:00p.m. for publication the following Wednesday. Letters to the Editor, vacant sections and “time sensitive” articles (weekend news or sports and cultural reviews) will be accepted until Saturday midnight and can be submitted to the editor, Adam Honsinger at: © page 2 the_editorS57@hotmail.com All other submissions should be forwarded to the appropriate section editor below. Please include you name, phone number/email address, the word count, and submit via email as an MS Word.doc attachment ‘q the attention of: