MAD HATTER PAGE 1 UPCOMING EVENTS The Modern Language Dept, ,of Douglas College is sponsoring the play "Violette En Avril" to be performed by the group La Troupe De La Seizieme. The script for this unique play was worked on collectively by six local francophones right here in Vancouver. The scenes are set on the local beaches, and some taking place on Salt Spring Island. Don't miss this exciting French language play, Time 7:30 p.m. Place: Room 407B on Surrey Campus Date March 27. Every- one is welcome admission FREE POTTERY SALE Did you know Douglas College has a Vietnamese artist in residence in its pottery Program on Surrey Campus ? Truong's life in Vietnam was making pottery, now he is sharing his skills with the Douglas students. On April 9, at the Surrey Campus Cafeteria, Truong's work will be on display and for sale, this will be open to everyone . CONTINUING EDUCATION-SPRING WORKSHOPS The cycle of Violence: WORKING WITH BATTERED WOMEN & THEIR ABUSERS Date: Thurs. Fri. April 9 & 10 Time: 9:00 - 16:00 FEE: $50 Place Surrey Campus. HOW TO PLAN A CONFERENCE Date: Fri. March 27, TIME: 9:30-16:30 FEE: $35 Place: New Westminster For further information on the above two workshops call 525-2075 or 5214851 loc.234 THE NEWION PRINTING QUICK COPY MACHINE HAS HIT A SLOW PERIOD. NOW'S A GOOD TIME TO SEND IN YOUR QUICK COPY REQUIREMENTS. NEWION PRINTING DEPT. N.ILT.E.P, RECRUITMENT Native Indian Teacher Education Program University of British Columbia leading to Bachelor of Education Degree FOR FURTHER INFORMATION AND APPLICATION FORMS CONTACT: 4.1-T.E.F, Faculew of Education The University of British Columbia VANCOUVER, 8.0. WOT 1WS TELEPMuNE: 228-5240 QUEBEC STUDENTS REQUIRE SUMMER ACCOMMODATION Douglas College is seeking English-speaking families in the proximity of its Richmond and New Westminster Campuses to host students from Quebec for the period May 19 to June 27. The family is asked to provide suitable sleeping facilities and breakfast and dinner daily. Lunches will be provided Monday through Friday by the College. $50.00 per week is allotted each family to cover expenses. Families who have hosted students in the past have found this experience to be a most enjoy- able one. If you can host a student, please contact Lynne Abbott at 525-2075. OLD EXAMS The opportunity to practice writing answers to exam questions helms many students to prepare for mid-terms and finals. The Reading/ Study Skills discipline is trying to develop a collection of sample exams for students' use. If you have any exam papers (in any subject area) which you no longer use, a copy would be most appreciated. Send to any of the followinc: Sandra Carpenter = S0rrey hoo. 258 Sherry Ladbrook - New West Loc. 243 Ian McCaughey - Richmond Loc. 41