—— DOUGLAS COLLEGE LIBRARY we I 20 This advertisement will appear across Canada on Saturday, December 8, 1973 on the Career oe DOUGLAS COLLEGE requires ~ INSTRUCTORS : M orrice SYSTEMS & EQUIPMENT K MATHEMATICS (1974-75 only) > PHYSICAL FDUCATION Je PHILOSOPHY (Social, Political) « MUSIC HISTORY & THEORY te BIOLOGY . : *« APPLIED COMMUNICATIONS/CREATIVE WRITING ah CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS (graduate training in both) : j aK CRIMINOLOGY (academic training and practical experience in one or more of police, corrections, parole, security, probation, court areas) 4 FASHION (professione] experience in design, manufacture, construction) » s GRAPHICS (professional experience in advertising, graphic design and photo silk-screening) COUNSELLOR (training and experience, specialization in rehabilitation/vocational counselling or research) | LIB RARIAN (reference and other duties; appointment may involve administrative assistance to } the Director) . (Responsible for planning all forms of education in consultation with com- PRO RA munity, employers and professional groups. , They may be "field specialists" or "generalists".) *« SOCIAL SCIENCES (background in psychology, sociology, geography or anthropology) INSTITUTE OF ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES (trainin formation) > s SOCIAL SERVICES (training and experience in child care) COORDINATOR-TECHNICAL PROGRAMMES (Construction Manag. ment, & or experience in resource planning, management and public policy Fire Science, and others under development) Write Douglas College, P.0. Box 2503, New Westminster, B.C.. V3L 5B2. Telephone 604-521-485] or Telex 042-51292 c * for ar “ication package. Application deadline 5:00 p.m. PST, Rriday; 11 January, 1974.