Rochelle Blaak, OP Contributor For years I considered myself a true writer, right down to my very soul. Writing is not just scripting words or stringing sentences together to sound good. It’s not just creating a good story, or a means of getting attention. For me, it comes down to my personality; what makes me tick, my obsessions and habits, good and bad, especially the bad. I was comforted by the fact that these traits have been observed in many othet writers. These reflections compelled me to compile a list of adjectives that describe a true writer. : “T write for the same reason I breathe—because if I didn’t, I would die” -Ruth Rendell included) is anxious, fearful, worri- 't know if this is the chicken or the ) aLcoholtic i : Every writer I know (again, myself included) loves the lure of alcohol, or s¢ other form of substance abuse. Why? Again, re-read “Neurotic” and “Obsessive” above. After each writing class, I find myself with my classmat at the local watering hole, drowning ourselves in our favourites, mine be and tonic with a twist of lime. We are to forget about our mundane Ii you ate baring your ia-obsessed world is. for meaty material to apart. on of writing is scary, not j just because job instability, but what will result on ings happen when you write; forgot- whole new personality can emerge and own lives. Your pen or computer key- an entity that becomes a part of you. one, perhaps enrage them, make eep. What you think is great prose or e, someone may mock, and make you teacher in each type of writing on the fi day of class confessed to the high rate o alcoholism that accompanied their profe sion. We all felt right at home. “T work until beer o’clock” -Stephen ‘o having your photo taken. You are ot physically but emotionally.” - DD insecure Being insecure could go with any profess: but confidence is something that isn’t con mon with writers. I think it’s because of t honesty that needs to accompany writin You must be honest with yourself and yor audience. You can not lie or hide. This ho: esty breeds i ey All confidence th: ae - O! = ee d-in-hand with neurotici h day. You wash your hand: envelope in the mail box, make sure it has dropped. for errors. Once you start every detail and em-dash, ber one rule for writing s is very hard not to do. V s complain, “too much de voices go on and on, and ays you can’t write to save e several paragraphs, save i to the tain line keeps popping up im your and then a new word or adjective h home, open the document, and know it. You are awakened at night by the ords to add, or delete, and your plot s. You are all-consumed by this piece, centrate on anything else until it is that of prose the Governor General has life. Revise, revise, revise, revise. Edit, rm of obsessive-compulsive disorder is shoot in eginning. Yet they keep plug- ging away because they must write, they must change the way the world thinks. They don’t do it just to be successful or see their name in print (well, maybe just a little). “Tt took me fifteen years to discover I had no talent for writing. But I couldn’t give it up rite. It’s been that way with every because by that time I was too famous.” - become completely consumed by a Aldous Huxley y a desire to meet a challenge.” -Anne 3) PROCKASGINAGIVE If we are all-consumed by writing, why do you come up ae ee cree : Sr ©) courageous with so many crea Procrastinate? See You need a certain amount of nerve to be a writer. All the risk-taking, reyealing yourself “Neutosi and keeping at it after so many rejection letters takes a lot of courage and persistence. A . “Procrastination is the fear of success. )People procrasti- writer must never give up, and despite all the negative obstacles, the writer must never nate because they are afraid of the success that they doubt his or herself. Positive affirmations go along way, restoring the unknown inner know wiill result if they move ahead now. Beeause suc- strength each writer has. cess is heavy, carries a responsibility with it, it is much “The act of writing is an act of optimism. You would not take the trouble to do it if easiet to procrastinate and live on the ‘someday I'll’ phi- you felt that it didn’t matter.” -Angus Wilson 1 1 losophy.” -Denis Waitley Nine RETR ao ee Maleate ~ eRe incNONCNE LPS TOR blac eed _ aU Soa