CO) "athe press Managing Editor Kerry Evans News Editor Kelly Parry Opinions Editor Kali Thurber Culture Editor Amanda Aikman Features Editor Barbara K. Adamski Sports Editor Adam ‘Flash’ Gordon David Lam Representative Munir Amlani Proofreader Tamara Billau Production & Graphic Design Gerard Then Graphic Design Trevor Hargreaves Photography Angela Blattmann Web Editor Dawn-Louise McLeod Advertising Manager Vacant Office Manager Lynn Paus Accountant Alyona Luganskaya Columnists Follow the Rainbow J.J. McCullough Nick Hogg Cartoonist J.J. McCullough Contributors Barbara K. Adamski, Amanda Aikman, Angie Cameron, Christopher Chambers, Erin Culhane, Kerry Evans, Thomas Fairley, Adam Gordon, Patrick Kitengie, Lou Rene Legge, Leigh MacKay, J.J. McCullough, Ericka Meyer, Karla Olson, Dave Pearcy, Justin Ray, Vanessa Simpson, Macdonald Stainsby, Larisa Saunders New Westminster Room 1020-700 Royal Avenue New Westminster V3L 5B2 Ph//604.525.3542 Fax//604.525.3505 hutp:// Mail Bag Does J.J. McCullough actually believe the tripe he spits out on a weekly basis? Is he 15 years old? What’s with the overly idealized version of a flawed society? It doesn’t take a citizen with radical politics to highly frown upon the fabric of US society. This is a gun filled nation with a largely uneducated, media saturated population. The people are easily swayed by a corrupt govern- ment to invade any nation the Bush administration deems a threat. I’ve seen similar behaviour on the history channel while watching Nazi documen- taries. The fevered country loving impe- rialism of the average American is a danger unto itself. What gives America the right to police the world? I strongly suspect Mr. McCullough’ s own passport is adorned with an eagle yet he finds himself within our border. Why else would he find it necessary to con- tinually bombard the campus with his childish views on an evil empire? I offer the following advice to Mr. McCullouch: If you really want to write about American politics in a manner that makes people think, you need to be a little more accepting of the countries obvious flaws instead creating basic propaganda. Your articles are so one- sided they are immediately discounted as comedy. You need to represent the logi- cal arguments of both sides of a politi- cal issue with a focus on your beliefs. Your articles read like the pamphlets the Nixon administration dropped upon V.C. occupied territory during the Viet- Nam conflict. My fond regards, Michael Moore. Re. “Water Gluttony and the Ignorant Canadian” by Kali Thurber, October 1, 2003(Page 7). I’d just like to bring it to K. Thurber’ s attention that most of the 360 litres of water the average Canadian uses each day gets flushed down the toi- let—something the author of this arti- cle failed to mention. The solution is better planning in housing and business- es to include “low-flush” fixtures. The problem with over consumption is, more often than not, the daily activities of the average person and not so much the gluttony of the few. Heather Barnes Although it is unusual for me to respond to a letter written by another reader, last week, Mr Iraj Taher wrote a rather interesting, although long-winded letter in to the Other Press. It is one that I simply cannot ignore. Mr. Taher poses an interesting question: he asks, “What is it that you edit?” To that, I respond by asking, “Do you, Mr. Iraj Taher, know what editing is?” Although Miss. Kerry Evans isn’t always agreeable, she is one of the most sincere, diligent, and hard working people I know. She works her ass off, and is very loyal to the Other Press. As the Managing Editor of the paper, she doesn’t control all its content. In fact, the paper is controlled and run by a collective of stu- dent contributors, as well as a board, which makes business decisions. It isn’t Miss Evans’ place to mould the paper to reflect her political or social opinions. You ask her to “explain and..defend” her decision to run an article reflecting a person’s political opinion. Do you realize that you are asking her to censor the paper to your liking? I ask you to justify such censorship. You claim that Douglas College students aren’ t inter- ested in what Mr. McCullough has to say. I ask you, who are you to speak for all the students at Douglas College? If you have a political opinion, please, share it with the rest of us by contributing an article to the Other Press. You have every right to voice your opinion, as the paper works on student contributions. I often disagree with Mr. McCullough’s arti- cles. That having been said, he is a good person and an articulate writer, as is Miss Kerry Evans. I find it surprising that you have the audacity to personally attack people whom you don’t know and have never met. Yet, that’s your opinion, and you’ re entitled to it as such. Just like J.J. McCullough is. Wars were fought over the freedom of press centuries ago. I thought the matter was set- tled, and we, as a society, had grown beyond all that. I thought that our civilization had matured enough to respectfully disagree with people displaying differences, whether these differences are physical, racial, or ideolog- ical. I see that I was wrong to assume that of you, but I hope I’m still right about society in general. Munir Amlani, Douglas College Student The Other Press is Douglas College’s autonomous student University Press (CUP), a cooperative of student newspapers newspaper. from across Canada. We adhere to CUP’s Statement of Common Principles and Code of Ethics—except when it The Other Press is run as a collective and is published week- suits us not to. The Other Press reserves the right to choose ly during the fall and winter semesters, and monthly (as a_ what to publish, and will not publish material that is racist, magazine) during the summer. sexist, or homophobic. Submissions may be edited for clarity and brevity if necessary. We receive our funding from a student levy collected every semester at registration, and from local and national adver- tising revenue. The Other Press is a member of the Canadian Printed by Van Press Printers Ltd. aoe. Page 2