INSIDE DOUGLAS COLLEGE / FEBRUARY 13, 1990 Babies continued from page 1 “Better education means a bet- ter job, a better life,” said Tlie Chifan, father of James Jason Chifan. His wife, Maria Chifan agreed. “It’s a good incentive for a child, who might not have con- sidered that path otherwise.” Doug Conner, proud father of Chad Douglas Conner, said the scholarship will create oppor- tunities that his son may not have had otherwise. “It gives hima broader range of choices when he finishes high school. And it’s some- thing to look forward to,” he says. Former Douglas College stu- dent Mick McLennan says it’s a twist of fate that his son, Garth Lawrie McLennan, was one of the scholarship winners. Mick attended Douglas College between 1972 and 1974 and now works as a Real Es- tate Agent in New Westminster. “It’s kind of ironic,” says Mick. “My son was born five weeks early.” The scholarships are worth $712 per year in current terms, and will be worth about $1,000 per year by the time the recipients embark on their scholastic careers. Inside Douglas College is published weekly September through April and bi-monthly May through August by the Douglas College Public Information Office. Submissions are due Tuesday noon for publication the following Tuesday. Submissions are accepted typewritten or on floppy disk in WordPerfect or ASCII format. Material may be edited for brevity and clarity. Tips, scoops and suggestions are always welcome. Please contact the Public Information Office, (604) 527-5323, Room 4840 at the New Westminster campus, 700 Royal Avenue, New Westminster. Mailing address: P.O. Box 2503, New Westminster, B.C. V3L 5B2. Douglas College Alumnus Mick McLennan and wife Carol say It’s a twist of fate that newborn son Garth McLennan won a free Douglas College entrance scholarship. Garth was born five weeks early at Burnaby Hospital. Presenting the scholarship Is Pauline Hughes, College Board Chairman. Mick attended Douglas College between 1972-1974. President Bill Day thanked the parents for giving the College an opportunity to demonstrate the im- portance of education for the future of the community. “The babies represent a sense of faith in the fu- ture, and education is, in its whole sense, a gesture of affirmation of the future,” he said. “It’s delightful, from our per- spective, to be able to pay some- thing back to the community,” said Gordon Gilgan, Dean of Academic Studies, chairman of the College’s 20th Anniversary Steer- ing Committee. Briefs Heart Fund A volunteer canvasser for the Heart Fund would be delighted to receive your donation. Tax receipts will be provided, of course. To make your donation, call Murray Leslie in the Business Department, Room 4319, Local 5456. Heritage Week in New West Heritage Day, February 19. There are a number of events planned throughout the week for the New Westminster area: Sunday, Feb. 18 at 1:30 p.m. — slide program and walking tour of uptown New West. by historian Archie Miller, beginning at the New West. Public Library. Wednesday, Feb. 21 at 8 p.m. — New West. Historical Society presentation of the meaning of heritage by Archie Miller at the New Westminster Public Library. Feb. 24 & 25,1 p.m. to 5 p.m. — Find out what goes on behind the scenes of the New Westminster Museum. Call Valerie Francies at the New West. Museum, 521-7656, for more information on any of these programs or events. # 2