| DOUGLAS COLLEGE COLLEGE PHILOSOPHY STATEMENT ARCHIVES e By now, many will be aware that the Board has requested a formal review of the College's statement of philosophy. It has been the intent to complete this review by the end of October in order to incorporate any revisions into the processes for developing our five year plan. : This schedule appears to be unrealistic in terms of the other pressing demands being made of College personne]. Therefore, following a workshop of administrative personnel, at which time the old statement of philosophy was reviewed and judged appropriate, it has been decided to delay an institution-wide review of the philosophy statement. j The existing statement of College philosophy is to be used in developing our first five year plan. Formal review of this statement will be undertaken, utilizing the new governance structure as soon as it is in place. It is anticipated that a revised statement will be available by September, 1982. W.L. Day ha Announcement . TO: ALL ADMINISTRATION AND FACULTY FROM: VIRGINIA CHISHOLM ; T.R.C. AT DOUGLAS Please be advised that a fledgling Instructional Resources Centre has been established at Agnes Street. Andrew Macadam and Heather Campbell have office/production space in the basement and expect a telephone momentarily. (Should "mementarily" stretch to weeks, please leave a message at the switchboard or send a memo) . Heather and Andrew have brought a limited amount of produc- tion equipment with them but will still have access to the Surrey studio. Andrew will be contacting department heads to arrange explanatory sessions with faculty., In the meantime, if you have a problem or an idea you would like to discuss with them, please call. (Don't forget that production equipment such as video porta paks, and 35om cameras are available from the Library's A/V depart ment. Call Ken - Local 219).