Mad Hatter Page 18 OBJECTIVE Es7 To provide a Community Education program based on community needs. E:7:1 - To establish a community-based committee to advise the College on community needs. E:7:2 - To provide assistance to community groups to meet their own learning needs. ACTIVITY STATEMENTS: REF. Ep ett Ets 2 Eis V3 E:1:4 E2135 E:1:6 Big 2a 2 E:3 Es 302 3. 7. STATEMENT To review present College A.B.E. Program with a view to eliminating those compon— ents which unnecessarily duplicate extst ing secondary school programs. To develop and Implement A.B.E. Programs for selected special needs clientele for whom Douglas College is the sole option. To review established admission require- ments for all College programs as a means Of enhancing the College°’s open door policy. On the basis of established admission requirements, to develop and implement a College Preparation Program, and re- entry programs, such as the current Women’s Access Program. To continue to offer short term, non- credit part-time courses and programs for selected employment fields and/or personal and social development. To identify and develop strategies in conjunction with employers and govern- ments to finance selected programs in a recurrent education format. To review present College curriculum to identify and select program(s) suitable for delivery in a recurrent education format. To develop or modify existing curriculum in selected programs for delivery in a recurrent education format. 1985-86 ON-GOING 1985-86 -ON-GOING 1983-84 1984-85 1986-87