MAD HATTER PAGE 7 What Types of Projects will be Funded? While we understand the need for short-term emergency relief operations in Africa, we feel that such work is best fieft To Those organizations who already have experience in that area. To stop the famine cycle in Africa, there is also a need for long-term durable solutions. I+ is here that the ACCC International bureau can be most useful. In order to focus and consolidate our efforts, the funds raised in our 1985 campaign will be used to purchase much needed learning materials, agricultural equipment, and to provide short-term training to Ambo Junior College of Agriculture in Ethiopia. The Ambo Junior College of Agriculture is located some 125 kms. South-West of Addis Ababa. It is one of the oldest institutions in the country. It was established some 46 years ago. It has remained stagnant largely due to changes in leadership, negligence, lack of investment on educa- tional facilities and lack of access to supportive and growth-promoting external resources. The objectives of Ambo Junior College of Agriculture are to: - Train middle level manpower required to support the nation's agricultural and rural development. - Supply practice-oriented secondary school agriculture teachers and therein contri- buteto the relevance of secondary school instruction for life in rural areas. - Provide an outreach programme to train farmers and disseminate research results. - Identify the information, knowledge and technology needs of farmers in the area and organize research to meet the aforementioned set of needs. We feel that the use of monies raised from the current fundraising to aid Ambo College in these areas will complement the larger project, should it be implemented. Support from all sectors of the Canadian community college system - students, support staff, teachers, administrators - is reauired to make this findrsisine arive a success afd fo Neip orean The famine cycle in Africa. Please send your contribution to: The Africa Recovery and Reconstruction Fund c/o ACCC 110 Eglinton Avenue West, 2nd Floor Toronto, Ontario M4R 1A3 Please make your cheque or money order payable to: ACCC - Africa Recovery and Reconstruction Fund. Please note that arrangements to send appropriate in-kind contributions (i.e. used equipment) can also be made by contacting the above address. WANTED Does anyone happen to have, tucked away in their office, a "Line a time 2" copy stand, which they are not using? lf so, would they like to give it To me, because | would love to have one. Please contact me at local 4200. Judy Murray