MAD HATTER PAGE 3 DOUGLAS COLLEGE ARCHIVES As many as 60 students were unable to en- roll in the English 100 course, while another 69 students were unable to regis- ter in Psychology 100. Other areas which filled quickly, resulting in the turning away of students, were: accounting, elec- tronic data processing, criminology, math and econamics. Not tabulated in the report, were the waiting lists for popular career programs such as nursing, childcare, office admin- istration, construction managemnt and hu : man service worker. Of the 577 registrants, 64.5 per cent said they required the unavailable courses. Only half of those were able to find same kind of substitution, although these were not necessarily adequate for requirements. Research assistant Douglas Talling said that he was able to obtain an 87.9 per cent response to the survey which he said was very good. However, he was concerned that Sere ee oe een ai show up in the results. "The group of registrants which were missed by the survey, and which may have greatly changed the results, were those who came to register for a course, found it full, and left without completing the questionnaire," ‘falling said. NEW CAMPUS NOTES The move of faculty, staff and students to the Royal Avenue site, commenced in earnest on Friday, November 5. During the past week or ten days as staff or faculty have occupied their new office areas, telephones have been installed to enable internal and external cammunica- tion to take place with as little confu- sion as possible. Unhappily the new touch tone phones are proving attractive to the pilfering fringe. Touch tone phones can only be operated on a line suitable for reception of touch tone dialing. These phones will not function unless touch tone service is added by the B.C. Telephone Co, at additional cost to the consumer. These phones, therefore, will not function as a simple replacement for the normal dial phone. One further word of caution to all oc- cupants of the new facility. The three levels of parking beneath the building contain space for approximately 680 vehicles. The price for parking, at least till the end of November cannot be argued with. It's free!! Please ensure that all faculty, staff and stu- dents park in this area rather than on any of the access driveways to other parts of the facility. A car belonging to a student was towed from the driveway to the library on Wednesday becuase it Was necessary to create space for the movers’ trucks. ‘The contractor's forces are currently using the access drive- ways to the cafeteria, scene shop and Royal Avenue entrance. Please avoid these areas to permit the work to proceed. West Graydon RESOURCE PERSONS FOR WORKSHOPS IN AFRICA The International Bureau, Association of Canadian Community Colleges, wishes to establish a roster of qualified resource persons who would be available to assist with staff development workshops in Africa (conditional on acceptance and ap- proval of the project by C.I.D.A.). The workshops, sponsored in co-operation with the Cammonwealth Association of Polytech-