DOUGLAS COLLEGE co ARCHIVES Lillian Zimmerman has recently been in- formed by the Canadian Congress on learning Opportunities for Women in Toronto that her Masters study, Women in Transistion: The Social and Economic Needs of Women Returning to the Labour Force has been reproduced by the Secretary of State. One hundred copies are available free of charge from the Women's Programs Secretary of State. The address is: Women's Programs Secretary of State 25 Eddy Street Hull, Quebec KIA 0M5 They can also be obtained from CCLOW at a charge of $2. Changes PROGRAMS FOR WOMEN HAS HAD TO CHANGE THE DATE ON TWO OF ITS SPRING CON- FERENCES : Options for Women (Holly Community School) was May 2 --- now October 3. Stress (Langley Sr. Sec. School) was May 16 --- now May 23. FOR RENT 1 Bedroom above-ground basement suite close to schools, public transit and shopping. Located near Fraser Street on 52nd Avenue in Vancovuer. Pros- pective tenant(s) to be non-smoker (s). For further information call Dave at 327-0698. Available June 1, 1981. MAD HATTER PAGE 3 Registrars Office TO: Presidents, Vice-Presidents, Principals, Deans, Directors, Admissions, Counselling FROM: Ken Battersby RE: REGISTRARS OFFICE DIVISION AND TEMPORARY CLOSURE. The Central Registrars Office will be dividing effective Monday 81-06-01 and the Douglas College Registrars Office relocated to the 100 Building at the McBride site (Rooms 102-6) inclusive. To prepare for and accomodate the re- location it will be necessary to close the Registrars office for three days. Friday 81-05-29 Monday 81-06-01 Tuesday 81-06-02 And to ask your understanding for a possible reduced service for the balance of the week after 81-06-02. The Kwantlen College central Registrars functions will continue to operate from the existing Surrey campus location. Also effective Monday 81-06-01 both new Registrars will begin to pick up their responsibilities. Douglas College - Andy Wilson Kwantlen College - Dick Balchen At the last meeting of the Kwantlen Planning Group a decision was made re- garding the distribution of the subject publications. This decision was that only one or two copies of the Mad Hatter be sent to Kwantlen and vice versa.