; “Mad Hatter Page 7 MEMO FROM BILL DAY, CCNTINUED Sandy Tompson — - College Board (Chairman) Stewart Graham - College Board Gerry DellaMattia - Dean of Educational & Student Services Jim Doerr - Dean of Community Programs & Services Gordon Gilgan - Dean of Academic Studies Ed Redmond - Dean of Applied Programs TBA - Staff Representative Ann Frost - Faculty Representative Tim Shein - Student Representative STAFF SERVICES Bill Day - Chairman, Project Development Committee 8111 Morfey - Bursar West Graydon - Project Manager Barbara Bessey _7 Secretary/Project Assistant - Education ROLE AND RESPONSIBILITY OF USERS'GROUP CHAIRMEN ANO ADMINISTRATORS OF REFERENCE (1) All advice to the Furnishings & Equipment Sub-committee and to the architect will be reviewed and approved by the aogrooriare Users' Group in the presence of and with the active involvement af the designated Administrator of Reference. In a case of a major conflict of opinion between the Users! Group and the Administrator of Reference, separate memoranda by the affected parties will de requested- VERBAL ADVICE - Verbal advice and information will not be treated as germane. (2) The channel for communication with the FLEES. will bevira: the Administrator of Reference and Barbara Bessey, Secretary/Project Assistant - Education for the ©.£.S. (3) Wricten records must be keot of all communications. The recording and traffic control of such documents will be the responsioi lity of Barbara Bessey, who will also be responsible for Keeging Administrators of Referance informed of F.£.S. requirements and deadlines. (4) All communications between architect and any individual or Users’ Group within che College will follow a rigid channel: Architect <> Project Management Office (West Graydon/ Sooz Klinkhamer) «<——> President's Office (8111 Day/Barbara Administrator of Referanc sesseyi