THE MAD HATTER A Douglas College Newsletter published weekly during the spring and fall semesters, bi-monthly in the summer semester aby Douglas College Technical and Vocational Institute P.O. Box 2503, New Westminster,B.C., Editor: Judie Steeves, Surrey campus Telephone: 588-4411, loc. 283 B Awards for Teachers Who Have Developed g established by the Roy C. Hill charitable Foun- g dation and administered by the Canadian Teach- R ers' Federation Trust Fund. b to encourage and reward active classroom teach- R ers who have developed new ideas for the imp- R rovement of teaching practices. ; small teams of teachers, working at any level y Of an elementary or secondary school, who have Notice Board FRIDAY NOON HOUR CONCERT SERIES - FALL 1977 “Douglas College - New Westminster 11:30 am N405 (Bandroom) SEPTEMBER 30, 1977 Renaissance Music - The Towne Waytes David Skulski, recorder & shawm Joseph Condie, dulzian & pommer Dan La Branche, sackbut Norman Stanfield, bombarde & flute Hugh Sandilands, lute & viol Jerry King, sackbut OCTOBER 14, 1977 String Bass Recital Robert Meyer, string BASS Grant Hurst, piano NOVEMBER 4, 1977 Jazz Concert - Fraser MacPherson Trio Fraser MacPherson, tenor saxophone Oliver Gannon, guitar Wyatt Ruther, bass NOVEMBER 25, 1977 Recorder, Harpsichord, & Piano Recital Peter Hannan, recorder ; Arlie Thompson, harpsichord & piano FOR SALE $10 600 Ibs. of clean sand in (10) 60 1b. cement bags. Great for a sand box or for weight in the back of a truck for winter. Contact: Sheila Dennison Coquitlam Campus 525-9211 R devised new methods, new approaches or new R teaching devices. ¥ mitted no later than October 31. ) tained from the Admissions office, or: R Secretary-Treasurer, CTF Trust Fund, 110 Argyle R Ave., Ottawa, Ontario. Innovative Teaching Practices The Hilroy Fellowship Program was established Applications are invited from teachers, or Applications should be sub- Brochures and application forms may be ob- K2P 1B4 FROM: MARY MATTHEWS ASSISTANT LIBRARIAN, REFERENCE & LIBRARY INSTRUCTION RE: LIBRARY SERVICES In order to maximize student use of library resources this Fall, we would like to inform you of the following library services: (1) Orientation lectures and library tours. (2) Post-orientation library searches. (3) Student reference services for particular research topics. If possible, send us a list of projected essay topics at the beginning of term so we can be prepared. (4) Books, pamphlets, and xeroxed articles may be placed on 2 hr., 24 hr., 3 day, or 1 week reserve at the circulation desk on each campus. (5) Lists of subject headings, specialized bibliographies. I have recently joined the Douglas College libraries as Reference & Instructional Librarian. To arrange for the above services or to discuss any problems or Suggestions, please contact my office, local 256 on the New Westminster campus. Thank you for your interest! ie Pacts