Shis thsue: (Y Under the Feminist Microscope: Finding feminism in film (¥ What Debbie did: An excerpt from the novel ‘Darkness’ (Y Steven’s Man-Cave: The latest and greatest in video game news And more! | Cazzy Lewchuk Staff Writer 00000 e Wolf of Wall Street is based off the autobiograph- ical novel by Jordan Belfort, aman who rose to power and riches in the stock market in the 1980s and 1990s. To do so, he scammed over many cus- tomers and businesses, and is still paying for his crimes today. This movie tells the story of his rise and fall, and the crazy nature of Wall Street. It’s a dark comedy, with many scenes of both hilarity and drama. The film stars Leonardo DiCaprio, Jonah Hill, Matthew McConaughey, and a fab- ulous supporting cast. DiCaprio is one of the : finest living actors. He will : beremembered for decades : tocome as another Marlon ; Brando or Jack Nicholson. The man has yet to win an Oscar for : any of his powerful roles, but his performance as a drug-ad- : dled, corrupt, hedonistic businessman just might do it. : DiCaprio has a knack for play- : ing acharming, untrustworthy : : gentleman in films—The : Great Gatsby, Catch Me If You : Can—and this is no exception. However, the role never : feels unbelievable or typecast. : Inmost movies, DiCaprio is : playing a version of himself; : inthis one, he truly gives : the impression of playing a : different character. Maybe : it’s the hair dye, but the guy : isalmost 40 and he doesn’t : look a day over 26. Belfort is a : complex character with some : very intense scenes, especially : the ones where he’s tripping : high on every kind of drug : imaginable. His manic drug : states left me laughing, crying, : and terrified—sometimes within seconds of each other. The rest of the cast also : deliver stellar performances, : like Jonah Hill, who plays : Belfort’s equally corrupt : business partner. Although he has tons of funny moments (a : scene of him exposing himself : ata party brought the theatre : to tears), the role is somewhat : more mature and complex : than what he plays in most of : his movies. It’s refreshing, and : showcases Hill’s natural talent. Matthew McConaughey, : although featured heavily : in the advertising, is only : in the beginning of the film : fora couple scenes. Despite : his lack of screen time, he : steals the show and plays an : important role in the story. The Seen something worth sharing? Contact: Chery! Minns, Arts Editor www. The cast of The Wolf of Wall Street // By Mary Cybulsk : movie hasa lot of characters, : but McConaughey stands : outin his corruption and : hilarity as a top stockbroker. Visually and aesthetically, : the film does not disappoint. : Martin Scorsese is of course : well-regarded as one of the : greatest directors of all time, : and he continues this repu- : tation into the 21st century. : Shutter Island and The Departed, : both starring DiCaprio, are : just a few of his recent hits, : proving the bond the two : have as director and actor. The film also contains : many cool cars, beautiful : houses and scenery, and gra- : tuitous amounts of fan service. : : There’s a lot of nudity for both : genders. The cast is pretty : attractive, and it’s definitely : athrilling ride (literally, in : the car and boat scenes). A good movie makes you think and reflect—even better : if it’s able to do that without : shoving an opinion down : your throat. The Wolf of Wall : Street gives a message about : the super-rich and the ways : they scam the working class. : Belfort’s lifestyle of being : super rich, doing lots of drugs, : and hooking up with gor- : geous women may well seem : appealing to the viewer—at : least in the first half. It never : completely suggests Belfort : isatruly evil man, nor does : itmake us sympathize with : him much. One is left to draw : their own conclusion and : think of him as a complex : character, as he is in real life. It was the final movie I : saw in 2013, and definitely one : of the best; lots of Oscar buzz : generated, I imagine. I highly : recommend it—a full three : hours of great fun, excellent : story, and everything that : makes Hollywood what it is.