flugust 2003 News Top Five Political Issues of Summer 2003 Regan Foster David Lam Contributor 5. War On Iraq...okay the only reason why this is down the list is because it is so March 2003. Protests, sit-ins, and public paranoia are few and far between. In actuality, this war may have a victor now, but the aftermath growing into post-war poverty for the country of Iraq is a scary thought. Also, what about the economical strife the war has caused across the board? 4. Medicinal Marijuana...some of you may feel that this should be FIRST on my Top Five List because it contains the word MARIJUANA in the title. Well, it is a world first if that is any consolation. No other country has ever had the gov- ernment dealing weed to sick people ever (not even in the Netherlands). In actuality, only 550 ill patients have received the right to use the legislation, and many believe all the red tape Sara James News Editor involved in the process makes this little endeavor a big waste of time. 3. SARS...what a way to damage the biggest metropolis in Canada. The out- break frightened many people from even setting foot in our fair country. Department stores were selling surgical masks by the hundreds, and people were covering their mouths with hand- kerchiefs on public transit systems. But, then Toronto threw the second biggest rock concert in history mixing up the venue with artists like The Rolling stones and Justin Timberlake, and now everything seems honky dory...except that international news coverage was poor at best. 2. Olympics 2010...wow, we got it. We're piling the world into Vancouver/Whistler and showing it what we have to offer. This issue has some heated debate. There are signs everywhere supporting the 2010 Olympics on one side, and bumper stickers that say “Healthcare before Olympics” on the other side. I, for one, am excited to dish out a projected $3000 dollars to see an Olympic hock- ey game. ie Same-Sex Marriage in Canada...Okay this has to be number one. Same-sex couples now have the legal right to get married in Canada. We are only the third country in the world to pass this legislation. This is a biggie folks. We're living in a time where our actual constitution will change. People of our generation might never see anything like this again. This issue is said to be like women getting the right to vote in Canada. Yet, this the other press © topic has fueled incredible debate and hatred, not just in Canada, but also around the world. There have been statements by religious and_ political leaders against this legislation, and some religious organizations are plan- ning a protest march on Parliament Hill in Ottawa. Summer 2003 has been one of the most politically relevant times in our history. The entire world is changing, and changing rapidly. There is so much news out there that it is hard to keep up on issues. So pick up a newspaper, or recline in your Ikea special and watch the five o'clock news and make your own list because we all need to be informed to express our opinions and make a difference. Top 5 News Items We're Grateful Occurred Top 5 News Items We Wish Had Never Occurred 5. Man Charge With the Murder of Breann Voth—with very little evidence and no hard leads, the police spent countless hours (including their days off) to find her killer. The police stepped up and reaffirmed our faith in them. 5. Vancouver Wins the 2010 Winter Olympic Bid—yeah, I know, some of you are in favour of the bid, but come on—quit comparing the possible benefits to Expo 86. The Winter Olympics run for only a cou- ple of weeks, Expo ran for several months. Now, how much money do you think we can possibly make from the event? Really, I want to 4. Mad Cow — one mad cow and beef prices drop. Wow! Can Shona you say “fillet mignon”? 4. Another 30 percent Tuition Increase—and you thought last 3. Robert Pickton Murder Case to Go to Trial—it took dozens { of police and forensic investigators, but the court has ruled | there is enough evidence to proceed with the prosecution of Robert Pickton. The case, bungled for years, caused some to fear the trial wouldn't occur if the evidence was deemed incon- clusive. September was bad; this increase is on top of the last increase. Total increase in fees last year and this—a whopping 69 percent! 3. Ro picious activities and a woman stabbed did not warrant an inyestiga- ?ickton’s Pig Farm was Known to Police Years Earlier—sus- tion. Dozens of missing women did not warrant an investigation. What did prompt the police into digging up Robert Pickton’s pig 2. Canada Refused to Participate in Iraq War—no weapons of mass destruction were found. Reports were falsified. The Prime Minister looks good on this one. Farm? It seems we'll have to wait for the trial to find out what finally motivated the police to investigate the man accused with 15 murders, another possible 7 murder charges pending. How long do we have to wait for an inquiry into police conduct regarding this case? 1. Gordon Campbell Charged With Impaired Driving—need I say more? 2. Mad Cow—one cow in Alberta tested positive for BSE, and coun- tries around the globe refuse Canadian beef. One cow! Canadian offi- cials reacted quickly and slaughtered and tested any cows that came into contact with the diseased cow. Yet that hasn't been good enough as the list of countries banning Canadian beef grows daily. What a way to ruin your summer BBQ plans. 1. Breann Voth Murder—her brutal murder spoke of what is wrong with our society. More than a dozen residents in the area where she was murdered heard her cries, but none of them dialled 911. How did we reach this point that a woman screaming for her life is ignored? http://www.otherpress.ca e¢ Page 5