“i Queeratives Homage to dykes over the age of thirty-five with apologies to Linda Barry) hat are the things you can no longer do? itchhike to. the Michigan Women’s Festival with only a change of sarongs, dildo in your pack Deliver such lines as, ‘Do ya wanna fuck—I mean, do ya wanna dance? Time your orgasm a la Annie Sprinkle Feel constant, 24-hours-a-day anger regarding the lesbophobic heter patriarchy Use words like lesbophobic Go toa demo i in support of bare breasts Which of the following 2 Polar fleece and gortex Flannel sheets, flannel shirts, Monogamy Same sex spousal benefits Selling your nipple clamps, butt plug, and bunny ears vibrator at a garage sale Which of these things you now know you will never do... For the Straight Folks who don’t mind Gays but wish they weren’t so BLATANT you know some people got a lot of nerve. sometimes, i don’t believe the things i see and hear. You go in a public bathroom and all over the walls there’s John loves Mary, Janice digs Richard, Pepe loves Delores, etc. etc. Have you met the woman who’s shocked by 2 women kissing & in the same breath, tells you that she’s pregnant? BUT GAYS SHOULDN'T BE BLATANT. Or you go to an amusement park & there’s a tunnel of love & pictures of straights painted on the front Or this straight couple sits next to you in a movie & you can’t hear the dialogue ‘cause of the sound effects. BUT GAYS SHOULDN'T BE BLATANT’ Fact i is; ies arse 3 are all over the place. And the woman in your office Supermarkets, movies, on your job, spends your entire lunch hour in church, in books, on television talking about her new bikini drawers every d day and night, every place— & how much her husband likes them. ‘even in gay bars. BUT GAYS SHOULDN'T BE BLATANT. / & they want gay men & women to go hide in the closets— So to you straight folks isay — Sure, i'll go Af you go too, / but i’m polite so —afteryou. Or the “hip” chick in your class, rattling a mile a minute while you're trying to get stoned _ in the john about the camping trip she with her musician boyfriend. BUT GAYS SHOULDN'T BE BLATANT. Sew BUT GAYS SHOULDN'T BE BLATANT. Waitress in a doughnut shop in the BC Interior, attending women’s rodeos and lesbian feminist craftshows in your spare time and developing a carpentry business on the side, anda while writing a novel and living in a one-room log cabin at the end of a dirt road, having sex every night with any one of your six or seven totally fucked up but totally all-natural lovers, while doing incredijele drugs and eating organic, locally grown so good so fine so elegant so well. by Marusya Bociurkiw A Vancouverite videomaker and the author of The Woman Who Loved Airports. Her favouriteairport is in Castlegar, BC. Reprinted with permission. Blue seas wave hello The water caresses my soul Oceans there to hold my hand Still, why am I so sad. Fire and air rage across desperately trying to find my loss changing everything in its path before the soothing of life’s wrath Waves of green circle ‘round me Earthen ground gives back proud trees Shells that washed up and held you made the sun even more bright alas; I see the moon in your eyes. _ by Kendra Kawalilak by Pat Parker (used without permission from Out rage: Dykes and Bi’s Resist Homophobia 1993) vulnerability does You do it so good you thirty-something /forty-something dyke who’s laid so many girls fucked so many dykes blazed a trail of sex right through the community and know a woman’s body pine EXACTLY. Bur Fok CHAOS DT HOM, Ext £%m our The 1992 The Other Press February 101997 7