“| was seventeen. Everybody knows that Asian people’s penis is shorter than white peoples. The largest one would be black people. Anyhoo, as long as you get girls on a bed, Way to go! Spongebob rocks!” *This guy was freaking hammered at like 7:30pm. He is my new hero and is a symbol of everything that is right with college life. Drunken Asian Guy, | salute you. —Colin “It was like a car accident, it was messy, but you couldn't help but watch. It was a long-remembered, entertaining five minutes.” “| was 17, kinda late in my years. Me and my homeboy lost our virginity on the same day. Two girls, one hotel room, two beds. People kept pulling the sheets off.” “You know what, | was 11. She was 12. And I’m not the youngest | know either. I’m one of the youngest, but not the youngest. By the time we were 12 or 13, we had some of the most unique spots, right here in New Westminster.” “Il was in grade 11. It was a girl | knew, we had been dating for quite a while. We had talked about it, like four or five times. It was like, no, no, no, yes. | was expecting a no, but she was like, yes. She was a pretty cool girl. We went to the band room, and you know what the great thing about those places is? They’re soundproof. It was a good start. We’re still pretty good friends.” — “That isn’t any of your damn business.” Then he made up some story about stupid shit about Vietnam, thereby totally undermining the point of the whole thing. He then went on to say, “I was like 14, | was at a party, and this girl totally took advantage of me. It was really good.” “I’m a virgin. When I was younger, I was waiting on purpose. Now, though I’m more mature...! do want there to be some kind of emotional attachment the first time.” “| was 14. [The guy] was my best friend’s boyfriend. She knew, though, it was her idea. We were all drinking, and she was like, "Want to lose your virginity?’ Then after, she joined. I’m not kidding. She [the best friend] was 17, he [the boyfriend] was 21. | wasn’t drunk, but I’d been drinking a little bit.”