YOU ARE INVITED TO DOUGLAS COLLEGE 1981 CHRISTMAS PARTY. Plans are underway for a gala (After the Split) DOUGLAS COLLEGE CHRISTMA PARTY. Pecoret Teas will be taken care of by an inhouse eres committee. tors. at 3:30 p p.m. at caer . US, New Westminster in the BAND ROOM of the Music Building on THURSDAY, DECEMBER ay 1981 TERTA. is being arranged by another committee and the "fun" should start t at 4:30 p.m. - don't miss it - the FESTIVE INTERNATIONAL BUFFET with a “Specialty Dish" Contest will pagin at 5:30 p.m. BUFFET will be POT LUCK - bring your specialty as your ticket to the festivities. Dont 't forget to notify Al or Anne as to the dish you will be bringing & country of food. ‘Please, no metal | origin. Microwave ovens will be used for heating — ee acquaintances : and get to know new people: Staff, faculty and administrators are welcome to invite a guest. THIS IS THE FIRST CHRISTMAS PARTY of the "new" DOUGLAS COLLEGE. - foil dishes. -Snacks will be available with the — drinks prior to the ‘main course. =-come and join your ore enienas and