OUGLAS COLLEGE HATTER PAGE 5 ARCHIVES their colleagues prefer it. J. Scott Armstrong, associate professor of management journals, "the harder the journal was to read, the higher its prestige was ranked" by a sample of academics and graduate students. P.S. The preceding has a fog index of 6. UNIVERSITY OF VICTORIA The University of Victoria is in- viting practicing educational admin- istrators who are presently consider- ing furthering their education, to apply for admission to study for the Master of Education in Educational Administration. Presently, the Faculty of Education offers three distinct career and personal devel- opment programs, namely: (1) The Master of Arts Program (course work and thesis); (2) Master of Education Program - Regular (course work and compre- hensive examination); and (3) Master of Education Program - Co- ative Option (course work, ap- plied research project and admin- istrative internship). Each of these programs offer unique experiences which challenge graduate students both professionally and in- tellectually. Therefore, only those educators, who have successful admin- istrative and/or teaching experience, a high academic standing in their undergraduate degree (s) and excellent references should consider submitting an application. A number of fellow- ships and awards are available for students with high academic standing. The Master's Degree in Educational Administration: (Cooperative Option) For further information and applica- tion material, apply as early as pos- sible by letter to Dr. P.J. Murphy, Faculty of Education, University of Victoria, P.O. Box 1700, Victoria, B.C. V8W 2Y¥2. Candidates who want to be considered for a Univer- sity Fellowship should submit all documents by February 15, 1982. In order to facilitate the placement of students candidates must submit applications for admission by March 31, 1982. Applicants should note in their letters whether they are in- terested in the Public School Co- operative Program, or the Post- Secondary Co-operative Program. Masters of Education (M.Ed.) and Masters of Arts (M.A.) Persons interested in this program should direct enquiries to: Secretary for Graduate Programs Faculty of Education University of Victoria Victoria, B.C. V8W 2Y2 SPECIAL SHOWING MOVIE: "APOCOLYPSE NOW" FOR FACULTY, STAFF AND FAMILY SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 20 7:00 p.m. in the four room complex, McBride Site. FREE! +