On the behalf of humanity I wish to thank Alrick for his contribution to world peace; Namely the "round tuit". I have used it on 27 situations and found that ft £1 only 13 of them (the other 14 I managed to avoid doing "it"). Thus, as the social sciences contribution to world peace I recommend that we begin immediate research and development on an adjustable tuit which will fit all situations. A further advantage will be that with the comming metrication of situations we will not have change the tuit dies and can thus continue producing more and more tuits , world without end... Phillip W. Warren Social Sciences, Richmond DOUGLAS COLLEGE INTER OFFICE MEMO TO Mad Hatter DATE: april 17, 1975 FROM: virginia Chisholm, Assistant Librarian RE: Paperbacks BOOK SALE } Prior to releasing some new paperbacks on May 1, the Library will be selling 300 old titles from its paperback collection. They will go on sale @ 10¢ each at the Surrey Campus books tore on Monday, April 21, 1975. ' HURRY $