8:30 = 9:00 9:00 9:30 REGISTRATION FORM WILDLIFE FOR TOMORROW CONFERENCE Wetlands and River Management in the Lower Fraser Valley AGENDA SURREY INN, JUNCTION KING GEORGE V1 & FRASER HIGHWAYS, SURREY. Introductions SeprembeA Ql Opening Address - Barry Leach, Director Panel I - Moderator Coffee Panel II Moderator Lunch Institute of Environmental Studies Fraser River Problems Tony Dorcey, Assistant Director, Westwater Research Centre Ken Peterson, Research Associate, Westwater John Wiens, Department of Soil Science, U.B.C. Urban Growth in the River Basin Warnett Kennedy, Planning Consultant and Architect Chris Brown, Chairman Fraser River Harbour Commission John D‘'eath, National Vice President, Community Planning Association of Canada Virginia Ayres, Architectural Programmer, TEAG - The Environmental Analysis Group "River Management - the European Experience" Panel III Moderator Panel IV Moderator Derek Sewell - Geography Department, University of Victoria River Management - Proposals and Projects John Massey Ed Mankelow, President, B.C. Wildlife Federation Howard English, Chairman, Salmon Resource Committee A Representative of the Steelhead Society of B.C. Wetlands Management Proposals for the Lower Fraser Valley Bob Harris, Canadian Wildlife Service Tom Burgess, B.C. Fish & Wildlife Branch Tony Barnard, Wildlife Technician, C.W.S.