DATE:__Dec. 30, 1975 FROM: Helen Dunbar MAD HATTER SUBMISSION FORM ' i ' ' WE HAVE A ‘COMPUTER +): computer. You are invited to learn about it on January 12th - everyone welcome - staff, faculty and administration. : ; ' 1 1 At last Douglas College has its own computer, a Hewlett Packard 2000E Time sharing | Date: Januaty 12, 1976: \ ' Time: 9:30 a.m. ' | ' ; Place: Room 712, New Westminster Campus ‘ | ‘ ' eae ' ' Program: 9:30 a.m. Introduction ~iWhat is a computer? Why this computer? 10:00 a.m. Introduction to the 2000E ; \ | ' 11:00 a.m. What can we doiwith our computer? 12 noon Demonstration of the computer in action ' .2:00 p.m. Video tape demonstration for those who wish to learn to write computer'programs in'BASIC. (Approximately 2 hours. ) ' 1 ' ‘Individuals who have attended this workshop will be able to use the computer during ' ' 1 the rest of the week, January 12th - 16th. Times will be scheduled at the end of the ‘showing of the video tapes. For futher information contact Helen Dunbar at Local 251 or 271,_ ' _ ‘ TO: INFORMATION OFFICE (PLEASE TYPE YOUR SUBMISSION BETWEEN THE VERTICAL DASHES SHOWN ABOVE)