' EGE DOUGLAS COLL GE PHE ‘aa “ONDAY, JUME 47, 1978. A llliATF OF A TALE. MAGES ~~ CEMTERN Lal ARTS” GEM TRE. 6 STAFF DEVELOP t EET, i Mma 6 bps OL ae SIMNGIE PAM ENT Or Gal! Tee NGS cP IKQUSE ore FaACLIT ‘ WWM ete we. Sw ata ete gb SOUCERT boss viessme ors Jk? S TATUS CRAIIQE Ss 6554's 6s ks PLEASE NOTE: By direction of Principal' s Council, material appearing in The Mad Hatter is processed through the Ad- mission's Office without ab- ridgment or editing, except for requirements of space limitations and legal con- siderations. Um44mroasm2 o>racoo >.