LETTITOR. “Heres my theory about meetings and life: the three things you can't fake are erections, competence, and creativity.” - Douglas Coupland ow are you doing? Are you starting to feel Hee in the gallows of the semester—that awful time of year when the ease of first classes reading syllabi and making name tags has worn into actual homework and studying? Why not take a creativity break and come contribute to The Other Press? Whether you’re a professional writer or you’ve never written more than the essay for your English 12 final exam, we want you. There’s nothing better than a unique voice or point of view to add diversity to a publication—and since The Other Press is Douglas College’s students’ newspaper, we want to have as many student point of views as possible represented in our pages. And, we can always teach you how to write articles! Learning how to be a better writer can never hurt while you're in college, no matter what you’re studying. Need more motivation to stop by The Other Press (we meet every Monday at 6 p.m. in room 1020 at the New West campus)? How about the power of friendship? Despite what Van Wilder might have you believe, life on a commuter-college campus like Douglas can be sort of lonely. Kick it Community style with the quirky kids at the OP and make some friends. I swear to goodness we're all pretty nice here and, while I came to my first Other Press meeting alone two years ago, Inow count the bearded and bedraggled staffers as some of my best friends and best people I know. Hope to see your name in our pages soon.