@ www.theotherpress.ca Feature what you previously knew about post- secondary, it’s time for some tips that are actually useful. Start to like the cheap stuff. The days of sipping Stella at parties and leaving 15 per cent tips at restaurants are over— especially if you’ve decided to flee your parents’ basement. You’re about to realize that everything is expensive. There’s a reason that garbage like Kraft Dinner and ramen noodles are synonymous with broke college kids: despite having the nutritional value of cardboard, it’s cheap, easy to make, comes in bulk, and probably has a shelf life of 18 years. The perfect student food. T also recommend getting really good at partying. Learn to hold your alcohol, don’t become a cancer- advocate whenever someone smokes around you, and learn to interact with strangers without turning into an awkward mess. I know it’s asking a lot, but I can guarantee that years from now, you won’t be looking back on that outstanding Sociology essay you wrote—it’ll be your so-bad-it-was-good debauchery stories that you tell at dinner parties. So get partying while the partying’s good, and you might as well not suck while doing it. Unfortunately, binge drinking can leave your bank account feeling pretty hungover, so learn to party with the cheap stuff. That part I said about putting Stella behind you? I wasn’t referring to some high school sweetheart. It’s overpriced, not even that good, and is basically considered garbage in Europe—if Europeans don’t want to go near it, then you know it’s awful. Step outside of your suds comfort zone and try some different beers with a lower price tag. Expensive beer won’t taste any better when you're throwing it up later, so you might as well be cost-effective. As obvious as it sounds, you should start exploiting the heck out of stuff that’s free. “Blah blah blah, students are always poor, blah blah blah school’s expensive.” Well, I’m here to tell you that money can’t buy you love and that a comfortable amount of stuff in life can come at a cost of zero. Take advantage of these things. Chances are you enrolled in the Douglas Students’ Union (DSU) health and dental plan, either knowingly or you just didn’t know that you could opt out. Not a lot of people know this, but health care isn’t just for bullet wounds and Adderall prescriptions anymore. Douglas’ plan is actually phenomenal and covers things like massages and chiropractor visits. A back injury last spring caused me to visit the acupuncturist at the New West campus and I ended up getting treatment on a temperamental knee while I was at it. Best of all: the six $50 sessions were all covered by my plan. In the war against things that cost money, the DSU is one of your biggest allies. They’re probably best known as a distributor of free swag, but they also make an effort to have free food days throughout the year. They also have free condoms for students for, you know, sex stuff, which is actually the perfect lead-in to my next point. I hate to be the one who opens up a can of reality on you eager young folks, but you probably won’t be needing that jumbo pack of condoms that you bought yourself as a “graduation present.” Years of over-the-top college films would lead us to believe that simply attending class will result matching phone number from the opposite sex; in reality, you'll spend several weeks sitting awkwardly next toa potential love interest, forcing small talk and continuously “forgetting a pen” so you have to borrow one of theirs, until you finally work up the courage to add them on Facebook and find out they’re already ina relationship. Your dream scenario, am | right? Instead, start looking for someone that you can actually see yourself in a relationship with. Looks are great, but finding someone that you can connect with and don’t want to punch in the face is also important. Going swell because you don’t have to struggle to find a date for those plus- one occasions, you get a regular supply of action, and you get to live in fear over whether or not they’re going to wake up one morning and realize that they can do better than you. The joys of modern romance! So there you have it folks! Everything I’ve learned over the last two years of my life, summed up in a medium-length word count. You'll quickly realize that any stress you’ve been feeling about what your days in post-secondary hold for you is mostly unwarranted, so just sit back, relax, and enjoy in receiving awink anda steady with someone is your stay at Douglas! wo SE pon nnn epee nen Growa Spend more | | Fall asleep (Try to) Take up moneyina | I. moustache , in the n Learn ultimate monthon | librar uitar frisbee boozethan | | y November g onfood | | | | Sign up for a Part | | Takea Dropa Change dubandthen | pan ru | | philosophy | philosophy your never speak you | to them shouldbe , | course course mayor : . again studying | | | | Study Take a das sly Run into a Watch The | ecause the . , when you professor has a F R E F one night Nea Oz ! chili pepper on wale Is ening | should be ratemyprofessor. stand on to The DarkSide | partying com campus oftheMoon | | | | Go streaking Exploit ; _ a Adoptan | , Doakeg because'it's persona’ textbook at Internet! what people in relationship the semester's | stand post-secondary for end, still in its acronym asa | do" employment package catchphrase ! | | Pulla ' Develop severe . 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