INSIDE DOUGLAS COLLEGE / AUGUST 21, 1990 Bell bottoms, beads and beatles at Open House ’90— Open House ’90 will be a blast from the past, as far as the Of- fice of the Registrar is concerned. Ina proposal to the Open House Committee, staff in the Registrar’s Office want to re-create the "office of the ’70’s." "We thought it would be fun to set up our office to reflect what it was like in 1970," says Admis- sions Clerk Debbie Perrin. "The theme is centered around the fact that Douglas College opened its doors twenty years ago." To create that atmosphere, says Perrin, a few of the symbols from the hippie era will be brought back on campus. "We're going to pass out flowers, and everybody remem- bers those silly macrame classes, so we'll give some of those," says Perrin. "We're also going to burn some incense like they did in that time period." They’ll be spinning some discs as well, but it won’t be rap. To bring back some of the sounds of the seventies, they'll dig out some of the old rock and roll greats. "We'll play music like the Doors, Rolling Stones, Beatles, Jimi Hendrix, and Creedence Clear-. water Revival," she says. To complete the seventies ef- fect, tye-dye will dominate office fashion statements during the Open House. "Everyone will dress up in 1970's garb, like bell bot- toms, beads, ponchos, sandals, and head bands," laughs Perrin. With that kind of idea, it’s no wonder that the Office of the Registrar is looking forward to Open House ’90. But Perrin says it’s more than just a chance to have some fun. "It gives the public more ac- cess to the College. I don’t mean high school students, but older people from the community,” she says. "The College tries to have a projection of community spirit, and because we do serve the com- munity, we should use the Open House to try to make the College more accessible." ml NAME: Arnie Driver POSITION AT DOUGLAS COLLEGE: Printing Supervisor SCOPE OF DUTIES: Running the print shop BEST THING ABOUT WORKING AT D.C.: Tolerant and nice people WORST THING ABOUT WORKING AT D.C.: Rush, rush jobs FAVOURITE WAY TO SPEND LEISURE TIME: Biking, hiking and reading FAVOURITE RESTAURANT: White Spot Likes: Nice biking weather DISLIKES: Too much hot, hot weather! HoBBIES: Photography, woodworking, reading and working! WHAT YOU EXPECT TO BE DOING IN THE YEAR 2000: = > Biking on a I-o-n-g trip!