TO: Cc. DOUGLAS COLLEGE BOARD February 18, 1988. Internal Matters - Education During the month, the Student Society sponsored an extremely interesting slide show and film presentation on the situation in E1 Salvador, with a special reference to the University of El Salvador. College Management, Students, and the Faculty Association are all supportive of offering assistance to the University of El Salvador at this time, and we expect to see some assistance in the form of books and materials at least, assembling by June. Paul Gallagher of Vancouver Community College is also supportive of this, and we will be funnelling shipments through Vancouver Community College. We have had a request from the Manager of the Job Trac Program for the Lower Fraser Valley Region to support the creation of a Job Trac access centre in Coquitlam. As its objectives are consistent with College development plans in the Coquitlam area, I have indicated the support of the management of the College. When a detailed proposal is available, it will be presented to the Board for review. A group of 30 students from Chung Ang University visited the College last week, as part of our ongoing Co-operative program with Selkirk College. Internal Matters - General Excellent progress is being made on researching and laying the ground for an alumni association. An initial meeting of interested former students was held yesterday. Faculty negotiations are currently stalled. A review of the College position is currently going on. Considerable student concern is being expressed, and I have been in receipt of many expressions of concern over the situation from faculty. In a previous report in making reference to the impressive "pinning" ceremony of nursing students, I inadvertently left the impression this was provided through the use of departmental funds, whereas, in fact the monies were raised through student initiative and should be clearly recognized as such. WLD/gb